Page 83 of Sound of Darkness
“Of course.”
“Let’s hope she listens to you.”
“There remains the solid possibility he’s not guilty. Remember, guilty until prove—”
“We aren’t judges or juries. We’re agents. Suspicious is suspicious.”
“I know. But, Mark, she phoned home on her way out of the restaurant. Maybe we have to go back and look over what we learned there more carefully.”
“Someone other than the man they both remember seeing—who really couldn’t have that many people willing to lie for him.”
“It’s possible.”
Mark nodded. “All right, I’ll listen to the recording of your session as we drive, and you can study the notes on Angela’s discoveries.”
“Others—found in similar circumstances?”
“Similar—we think. And going back six years. Scattered along the Eastern Seaboard. Maybe, maybe not. In two instances, decomposition of both the bodies and the coffins was so severe the police reports didn’t call the wooden pieces found with the bodies coffins.But if these cases are related to what we’re looking at—”
“Then maybe The Embracer doesn’t have a copycat. Maybe he is the copycat,” Colleen said.