Page 5 of Needful Surrender
“Congratulations,Falcon. You’ve really done it,” Cruz says when we return to the airport, taking a hit off his cigarette, the smoke lingering in his mouth before he sucks it in, then exhales it over his shoulder.
The humid breeze carries the smell in Aurora’s direction, and she waves it away indignantly. “Do you mind?”
Cruz flicks the butt onto the tarmac, then licks his lips. “My apologies. I’m not accustomed to the sensitivities of women.”
“This pendejo’s wife is teaching him pretty fast though,” Damian throws in as he returns from their Cessna.
Aurora’s head snaps up and she glances between the two suspiciously, her eyes narrowed to slits.
“Callate el hocico, cabron,” Shut your mouth, fucker, Cruz growls, and the warning tone in it tells me he’s not joking.
Damian seems to know this too, because he lowers his gaze submissively in a way I haven’t seen him do. “Si, patron. The plane is ready to go.”
Cruz watches thoughtfully as Damian walks away. Then, turning to me, says, “I want in.”
I study him closely. During the few interactions we’ve had, he’s displayed a carefree, playful demeanor. He’s foul-mouthed, with a rough and tumble exterior that is only magnified by the banter he likes to amuse himself with.
Anyone who were to meet Santos Cruz in passing would find it hard to believe he’s the leader of one of the deadliest cartels in Mexico. If he can’t hold a serious conversation for more than a minute, surely he can’t be ruthless and dangerous.
They’d be fools to believe that, more so if they let their guard down because of it. I’m no fool.
Cruz tilts his head as he stares back at me, and there I see it, the darkness lurking beneath. A man who doesn’t glance away, because he isn’t afraid of my power. He has his own and is willing to execute it should he need to.
I realize then, this could never work. It doesn’t matter how much of the company he owns, he’ll want full control. And I’m not a man used to giving that up.
“You asked me to consider giving you the option to buy in. I have considered it, but I must respectfully decline. I would, however, I’d still like to supply you. If we continue our deal, you’ll quadruple your profits. I’d say that’s a win for everyone.”
His left eye twitches ever so slightly, and it’s just barely noticeable. “May I ask why?”
I choose my words carefully. “I fear we would disagree on certain issues. My relationship with you is important, and I’d prefer to remain on good terms.”
Running his palm over the scruff on his chin thoughtfully, he says, “That could be. However, it leaves you with the same issue. You don’t have what it takes to hold off the Colombians.”
“By the time I become a problem for them, they’ll no longer be a problem for me. I’ll be too powerful.”
He holds my stare for a long while, his smile still there, the need to dominate evident in his eyes. Fortunately for everyone, what he lacks in manners, he more than makes up for in self-control.
Cruz inclines his head. “For now, I will accept your answer. I’m hopeful it will change in time.”
“Perhaps,” I say simply, though it’s doubtful.
“Thank you for the tour. Will you be returning today?” he asks.
He looks at Aurora, whose mood hasn’t changed. “Ah. Well, best of luck. I’ll have my lieutenant contact you about our arrangement in the coming days.”
Rodrigo comes to stand beside me as we watch the plane depart. “You said no.”
“How did you guess?”
“I never thought you would agree to partnering with him. I don’t think he did either.”
“Then why this charade in the first place?” The question coming from Aurora has both Rodrigo and me turning to her. “If none of you thought it would happen, why do all of this?” The same anger and disgust I saw earlier is still there. The same self-righteousness.
Something inside me breaks, and the restraint I’ve attempted to keep on my emotions over everything that’s happened snaps. She’s angry? Well so am I. “In order to go after what we want, we sometimes have to be willing to get fucked,” I hiss, stepping so close, she’s forced to look up. “The difference between you and me is that I couldn’t go through with it.”
Her hand flies across my face so fast that I don’t register the sting of the slap until moments after it’s happened. Rodrigo steps forward, reaching into his coat for his gun. But I stop him. “Go to your hotel,” I order without taking my eyes off Aurora. “I will see you tomorrow.”
Reluctantly, he lowers his arm. “Si, patron,” he mumbles before turning to Felix. “Let’s go.”
“I demand you put me on a flight home,” Aurora seethes, her breaths coming in hard pants.
“No,” I snarl.
“Then get me a cab.”
“A fucking mule!” she screams. “I don’t care what you—”
My arm snakes around her waist as I haul her up to my chest. Leaning close, I whisper in a menacing tone, “The only place you are coming is with me. You will be with me until the moment I decide what exactly it is I’ll do with you.”
“Let me go!” She struggles to free herself, kicking my shins painfully, but I hold tight.
“If I let you go, you will run. And if you do, my men are instructed to hunt you. You would die.”
At those words, she freezes, her body going completely stiff in my arms. “You would have me killed?”
“I’d kill you myself.”