Page 72 of More Than a Story
The towel smelled just like Taran, or maybe it was her soap he’d used. Either way, that light lavender floated around him as he ran it roughly over his hair, feeling strangely relaxed.
He’d like to say it was the sex giving him this Zen. Because it was hot. But he knew it was the openness that was relaxing him. It was weird to have told her so much about his life. He had never said some of those things aloud before. But it was also like letting go of the breath he’d been holding for way too long, like it relaxed his whole being to have finally spoken the words.
He hadn’t wanted things to be weird. So, when Taran had asked questions, Corey decided to put his cards on the table instead of keeping everything close to the vest. If they were doing this, he didn’t want to have any off-limit topics hanging between them. He’d be an open book with her, and he’d make sure she could be too.
Once he threw on yesterday’s clothes, he headed downstairs.
“Hey, half-pint—” he said but stopped as she glanced up from her phone. Something about the pinch in her forehead didn’t sit well. He was on cloud nine, but she looked like someone had gotten her banned from Diablo. Had the ten minutes alone made her realize she had regrets about being with him? “You good?”
“Yeah.” She shook her head. “No, not really.”
Open the lines of communication, he reminded himself as he swallowed down the lump in his throat. Some things were hard to hear, but not saying them didn’t make them disappear. He’d learned that the hard way—twice.
“Is this an us thing or something else?” He glanced down at her phone, but it sat, lifeless, on the counter.
“I just need to go into the office and get my boss on the right page about stuff.”
Work—that settled the twinge between his shoulder blades. He relaxed, leaning onto the counter.
“Go in and drop that badass attitude all over him.” He fought the smirk as her eyebrow rose.
“Attitude? I don’t have an attitude.” She crossed her arms, tipping her chin up.
He moved around the counter to her. “Sure you don’t, little miss eyebrow.” He grabbed the back of her neck, loving that he could kiss that sass right out of her system. She sank into him the second his lips pressed against hers. His body flared with a fire. The way she responded every time their mouths met called to his soul. But he didn’t have time. He groaned, pulling back. “I should be done with the game by eight. Come over tonight before I leave for the road again.”
“I’ll bring dinner?” she asked. Her breath caught as his finger skimmed down her neck, dipping into the cleavage of her tank top.
“No. I got dinner. You’re in charge of dessert.”
Even sacrificing kitchen counter sex—which they’d revisit as soon as possible if he had anything to say about it—he was going to be late. He glanced at the clock twenty minutes later as he sat on the George Washington Bridge, headed into New York City. How late would depend on the god-awful traffic. It could take him anywhere from five minutes to forty-five minutes to get to the Bronx.
“Incoming call from Will.” Siri’s voice blasted through his car, overshadowing the music. “Should I answer?”
“Yes.” Corey gave the phone the two seconds to connect. “Hey, man.”
“Not a texting day or willfully ignoring the question?” Will asked.
Corey snorted. “Not a texting day, but now I’m worried about what the hell the question is?”
For most people, texting was like showering or brushing your teeth, just something people did. But for Corey, it took focus. If his mind wasn’t on the words, he couldn’t get them to make sense. And forget about group chats, because he read so slowly, he never could keep up.
“How’d things work out with Taran? You take my advice?” Will asked. “I was hoping I’d catch you in a good mood.”
“I’m in a good mood,” Corey assured.
Will laughed. “Hell yeah, you are.”
“And for the record, I did take your advice. You were right—”
“Wait, I’m sorry. I think I misheard you,” Will interrupted.
“Shut it. I said you were right.” Corey rolled his eyes. He could imagine the cocky ass smirk on his best friend’s face. “I went into this with the I trust her; she’s worth it mentality, and we talked. It was good.”
“Talked. Huh?”
“Among other things.” Corey chuckled. “But I’m not buying that your question was about Taran, so what’s up?