Page 8 of More Than a Story
What the hell were these two up to now?
Danny and Luke both stood shirtless on top of Marc’s stone coffee table while Morgan, their oldest brother Nick’s fiancée, held a phone playing a clip of “I’ll be Missing You” over and over again.
“No, that was you. I shook on beat; you looked like you were having a seizure.” Luke crossed his arms.
“Oh my God, guys, look at this one. I’m going to wet my pants.” Morgan laughed.
“It’s supposed to be hot, not funny,” Danny snapped.
“Well, if you’d go for more Magic Mike, and less ER patient, it might be.” Luke threw his hands into the air as Morgan laughed again.
“Idiots,” Beth mumbled and rolled her eyes at her brothers and their antics.
“Are they trying to beat Clayton?” Corey asked as Luke and Danny started a ridiculous dance. This was exactly why Beth and Marc’s house was where he came to relax. After two minutes here, his anger had melted away.
“Yup, Clayton’s newest TikTok just passed two million views, so now these two have to shirtless dance their way past him,” former Metros star pitcher Marc Demoda said from the table with a headshake and a small chuckle. “God forbid the youngest might win at something. You going to join them?”
“Hard pass,” Corey answered. “You doing this?” Corey asked Will, who was sitting next to Marc.
“Does that seem like me? Nick and his guys at work dueted Clayton already though. Apparently they’re bored today,” Will scoffed.
“Of course they did. I’m sure Wyatt was driving that truck,” Corey teased happily as he grabbed the plate of enchiladas Beth handed him. “Have I told you lately that I love you?”
“Only every time I give you food,” she replied flatly and yawned.
“Tired?” Corey asked her, but he was moving to Morgan, who had finally shut off the song. “Hey, beautiful,” he said, bending down to give her a quick cheek kiss.
“Hey, Cor. Let’s take a break, guys. It’s getting worse, not better,” Morgan said.
“Woman’s always tired these days,” Danny complained, giving Beth a teasing smirk as he headed to the kitchen table. “Tired or cranky. It’s like PMS on crack, and chocolate doesn’t help.”
Luke chuckled as he sat down, and Morgan whacked him.
“She made two people. She gets flowers and back rubs and should be told repeatedly how awesome she is, not laughed at,” Morgan schooled them. The guys groaned.
“Yeah, we get it. My wife is amazing. But this baby girl…Her brother’s good. But this little devil,” Marc said, smiling down at his daughter in his arms, “doesn’t sleep.”
Corey noticed for the first time the dark circles under Marc’s eyes. Beth moved to the table with a few cold beers, which she dropped in the center.
“Give me my goddaughter.” Corey smiled. “I can eat and hold the gorgeous baby. I got skills,” he said and took the pink bundle from Marc. He smiled down at the baby; she truly was a perfect combination of two beautiful people. Those green eyes of Beth’s smiled up at him, wide awake.
“Take a picture to send to Glory. She thinks she’s cornered the market on being a good godparent. If I have to hear about how awesome she is one more time, I’m going to puke,” Danny demanded.
“Why are you talking to my sister? Her focus is supposed to be on finishing her last semester of college, not messing around with you.” Marc frowned.
Corey chuckled. Danny had a hard-on for Marc’s sister, which Marc hated. The thing Corey wasn’t sure about was if Glory hated it or not.
Someone cleared their throat from the kitchen doorway, and everyone turned. Taran had taken off the awful Yankee’s cap, and her ink-black hair was knotted on the top of her head with whisps of bangs hanging around her face. Instead of the stained T-shirt, she wore an oversized sweater that might as well have been a tent dress over black leggings. Corey scowled; he wasn’t sure if this was worse or better than the last outfit, but he had momentarily forgotten about her.
Everyone looked at Corey.
“Well, it seems I brought…that,” he said and nodded her way.
Beth’s eyebrows shot up, and Marc’s gaze narrowed momentarily before his mouth fell open in surprise.
“Oh—hey, Taran,” he said.