Page 18 of Bishop
Chapter 10
Morning coffee and eggs on the screened-in porch with Denise has always been one of my favorite ways to start my day.Since I retired from Heaven Hill, it’s become the only way to start my day.
“Sorry they’re a little more done than you like.Someone was distracting me.”Denise grins over her coffee cup.
A wolfish grin answers hers.“Won’t apologize for it.”
“Never asked you to,” she responds with a wink.
This peace and quiet wasn’t something I knew I could have over thirty years ago.Now that I’m on the other side of sixty, I do my best to enjoy every single one of the moments I cherish.We go back to eating and that’s when both our cell phones begin buzzing.
Denise sighs.“That’s either good or bad news.”
“Hopefully, it’s the first.”I get up, ambling over to where we keep our phones.At some point in the last few years, we decided not to have them around all the time.When we’re together, we’re just that.Without other people invading our time.But the fact we both got texts?That tells me we need to check what’s happening.
Bringing them both over, I hand Denise hers and then reach into the neckline of my shirt.Getting older sucks and having to get readers was a blow to my manhood, but I can’t see shit and, if I want to know what’s happening, I’ve got to put them on and hold the fucking phone as far away as I can.
It’s a text from Harley.
H: Grandma and Gramps, I wanted the two of you to know before we told anyone else.I know this isn’t what any of us planned, but I’m seeing it as a blessing and I hope you will too.
“What is she talking about?”I glance over at Denise.
“I’m assuming there’s a picture or another message coming through.”
It’s right then that a picture does come through.I haven’t seen one in a long time, but even I know it’s a positive pregnancy test.“Oh, holy fuck.”
“Shit,” Denise swears, setting her phone down in her lap.
Looking over, I see tears on her face.“Whatever you’re feeling right now, we’ll talk about it, but we need to be there for her.Which means no matter how we might be feeling right now, we need to let her know we love her.”
Denise nods, wiping the tears from her face.“You’re right.”
“I’m going to video chat her.Come sit next to me.”I press my hand against the seat next to me.
“It’s called FaceTime, Liam.”
“What the fuck ever.It’s a video and we’re chatting.”
It takes a few moments to make the connection but, once we do, we’re greeted with Bishop and Harley.Both of them are looking pensive and, quite frankly, scared to death.
“Hey, Push Pop.”I grin at her.“How’s it going?”
The nickname brings tears to her eyes.“Scary,” she admits.“But we’re hanging in there.”
“You know we’ll support you,” Denise says.
“I was so worried,” Harley blurts out.“I know how proud you were of Dad and Aunt Mandy for making it through their teenage years without becoming parents.”
“I’m not disappointed, Harley,” she answers carefully.“I’m scared for you.It’s not an easy place to be in, but you have more support in your little finger than I did in my entire life back then.You’ll be well taken care of and I don’t doubt Bishop will be by you every step of the way.”
“I will.”Bishop wraps his arm around her neck, dropping a kiss to her forehead.“It’s earlier than we planned, but we got this.”
“What’d your Dad say?”I ask carefully.
“Surprisingly, he was chill about it.Handed me some preggie pops and told me to go tell Mom.”