Page 22 of Bishop
Chapter 12
“When are they gonna be here?”I ask Caelin as we stand in the bays at Walker’s Wheels after hours.We’ve been running a little operation for the past few months, trying to make a few extra dollars.It’s quickly become more than a few extra dollars and right now it’s helping with the expenses I’m going to be incurring with a new baby.
“Said they crossed the state line into Kentucky an hour ago.Should be here any minute.”
“Good, I hate leaving Harley home right now.”
“How’s she doing?”He takes a drag off his cigarette, blowing smoke away from me.I’m doing my best to stop before the baby comes, but stress is leading to other things.
“Okay when she’s not puking.We’re almost to the twelve-week mark though, so hopefully things will slow down once we get to that point.”
“I can’t believe it’s gone so fast.”He whistles between his teeth.
“Me neither.Before we know it, I’m gonna be a fucking dad.”The thought is still very foreign.There are times when it’s almost enough to send me to my knees and others I’m so excited I want to shout it to the entire world.It’s still confusing, but I know I’ll make it.I have to.
“You’re gonna be fine,” Caelin assures me.
“Keep telling me that and I’ll believe it.”
His phone makes a noise.He raises it to his face.“Hawk and them just got off of 65.ETA is ten minutes.”
“Good, I’m getting fucking hungry.”I rub my stomach.
“Is that a side effect of Harley being hungry but not being able to eat?”He laughs at his own joke and I wanna punch him in the face.
“You’re fuckin’ funny.I can’t deal with you right now.The reason I’m so hungry is I’m trying to stop smoking and I’m replacing it with eating.Gained ten pounds,” I grumble.
He’s about to say something when we see a trailer with five cars come to a stop in front of the garage.There they are.“Did they bring everybody with them from Red Creek, goddamn.”I glance at the line stopping in front of Walker’s Wheels.“Hopefully, it’s dark enough nobody’s gonna notice.”
“At least we hope they won’t.”Caelin takes off at a slow jaunt across the parking lot.
There are times when I wish I could be like him.He never gets in a hurry over anything.Always gives off the vibe he’s comfortable in every situation.I envy that.It’s obvious his dad instilled those qualities in him.My dad instilled fear in me and a rage I haven’t quite gotten over yet.
Hawk comes to a stop in our parking lot and hops out of the cab of the truck.“Gentlemen.”He nods as Caelin and I approach him.“You think you’ll be able to do these in the next week?”
We look at one another.“Definitely,” I answer.“We’ll let you know when we’re done.”
“Sounds good.”
“Do y’all wanna come back to the clubhouse?”Caelin asks.
“We better not.It’s a ride back home and the quicker we get there, the less easy it’ll be for anyone to say we were gone.”
“Understood.See y’all in a week.”I clap hands with Hawk as his guys take the cars off the truck.They drive three into a hauler and then stick two in the bays of Walker’s Wheels.
As soon as we’ve got them inside, Caelin and I go to work on them, stripping off the VIN numbers and changing the paint colors.Over the past few months, we’ve become very good at what we do.
“How long we gonna do this for?”Caelin asks from where he’s working on his car.
“Until we make enough money to do what we want without having to use the club.Both of us wanna be able to stand on our own two feet and this is how it’s going to have to happen.”
He makes a noise deep in his throat.“True.I’m thinking the end of the year?”
“More than likely, but Lord help me if I have a girl like Harley.Ya know, she likes makeup and bikes.My girl’s expensive when she wants to be.”
“So is her sister.It’s just what we have to deal with.”