Page 24 of Bishop
Chapter 13
I’m starving this morning, but I’ve learned that eating first thing tends to be a bad deal for me.Every other time I’ve tried, it’s come right back up.And not just once.
Copious amounts of times.
But this morning?A Harper specialty sounds amazing and, since I never ask her for anything, I pull my cell phone out and shoot off a text.
H: Any chance you might have an extra sausage biscuit for me this morning?
H: I think I can make an exception.There’ll be one for you when you get here, Mama.
H: So you heard?
H: Of course I did.See you in a few.
Bishop is already gone, probably trying to work off that ten pounds he’s gained since he’s started trying to quit smoking.It’s sweet he wants to do it for me and the baby.Reaching down, I rub a hand over my stomach.
I’m going to have to get new clothes soon.Right now, I’m in stretchy everything.Including a pair of Bishop’s sweatpants.
Throwing my hair up and grabbing my purse, I’m out the door with my mouth watering.
I’m nostalgic this morning as I drive along the streets to Harper’s.I can remember Dad taking me downtown on the back of his Harley to visit Mom at her office.We’d always make a big deal out of it.He’d take me to Harper’s and get me a treat.One for Mom too because he said in order to get his sugar, he had to give her some.
Now I understand what that meant.Even as a little kid, he was preparing me for what I deserve as an adult.As I pull around The Square, there’s a parking spot in front of Harper’s shop.It’s divine intervention.
“You’re lucky I like you.”I give Harley a smile as I let her into Harper’s bakery.“You know this is one of my loves that I don’t like to share.”
She smiles back at me.“I know and I love you, Uncle Ty.”
“Love you too.How’s it goin’ kiddo?Feels weird to call you that knowing in a few months you’re going to be a mother.”
“No more weird than it feels for me.”She chuckles.
Harper comes out holding a tray with food on it.“Here y’all go.I even have enough for Addie and Justice.Heard they were coming too.”
Tyler blushes.“Since one of my girls asked, had to invite them all for breakfast.”
There’s a slight knocking on the front door of the shop.I wave at the two of them, before getting up with a groan.I’m not as young as I used to be, and instead of walking, I amble over to let them in.
“You want hashbrowns or breakfast potatoes?”Harper asks as she sets everything down.
“Breakfast potatoes.My mouth is watering just thinking about it.”
“Ketchup or hot sauce?”
“As much as hot sauce sounds good, that’s gonna hurt coming back up through my nose.Better go with ketchup.”
“Harley!”Addie holds her arms wide as she comes into the shop.“I’m so excited for you.”
Harley gets up, allowing my daughter to hug her tightly.“I haven’t seen you in forever.”
“Look, you have a little stomach!”
Harley glances down.“I guess I do.I never noticed it.”
“I popped,” Addie verifies.“Just one day.I hadn’t noticed it at all, wasn’t even hungry until one morning I woke up and I wanted nothing more than to eat.”She looks over at me and hides her mouth from my view, but I can hear her whisper.“And have sex.”
“I have ears, Addie.”
“I’m a mother, Dad.”
“But you’re still my daughter and I don’t want to think about all the shit you probably do.We’re here to eat, not gossip like girls.”
“I forgot, you do that with Liam.”
“Damn straight.Sometimes Jagger too.”