Page 26 of Bishop
“I’m neither one.”She sighs.“I just wish you’d shared.I never want you to think you have to hide things from me.I’m your ride or die, Bishop.I want you to tell me what’s happening.It doesn’t matter if you think you’re keeping me safe.As your partner, I need you to be honest with me.Grandpa was always honest with Grandma and that’s how I want us to be.”
“Okay,” I sigh.“It goes against everything in me to put you in danger.”
“But together, we can prepare for anything that’s going to come our way, Bishop.The way to do that is to be informed.If I go into a situation blind, how does that help anyone?”
“I get what you’re saying and I understand.”
“I don’t think you do.On top of you trying to protect me, I know you’re trying to protect the baby.”She puts her hand on her stomach.“In a way, I feel like that’s my fault.”
“Stop right there.”I cup her cheeks with my palms.“There’s no fault in any of this.God meant for it to happen and it did.I truly believe that.We’re adults.We knew what we were doing when we were getting busy.It was a risk we were willing to take.I’d do it again.”I grin down at her.
“I would too,” she admits.“It all feels so heavy right now.”
“It’s going to.Life isn’t always wrapped in a pretty bow.It’s not meant to be easily figured out.If it were, there wouldn’t be a pay off in the end.”
She sighs before tucking her head into my chest, right under my chin.“As long as you’re with me, there’s always going to be a payoff.”
“I agree.So, now that you’re fully informed,” I whisper as I stroke her hair.“We’re storing the cars in those unused trailers behind the shop and in a couple of the garages at the clubhouse.When Hawk and them come to get them, we take ‘em out.”
“Which is why you and Caelin have been telling everyone who wants to use the trailers that something is wrong with them?”She giggles into my neck.
“Yup, until we’re done, we don’t want anyone else to know.”
“Does Dad know?”
“Of course he does.We have permission to do it from him.We wouldn’t do anything behind our Pres’ back, but no one else does.”
“Besides me.”I feel her grin against my skin.
“Besides you,” I confirm.“And I want you to know I won’t be doing this forever.I’m banking money for us to get a good start with this baby.There’s a lot we’re going to have to buy.”
“We have family and friends,” she reminds me.
“While all that’s true, I’m not talking about them being just a baby.I’m talking about the future.College, if that’s what they want to do.If they don’t?Down payment on a house.Start a business.What the fuck ever.They are going to have options, babe.Options I was never given.”My voice breaks as I let loose the dreams I wasn’t able to realize.
She pulls back, her eyes looking deeply into mine.“We’re going to show this baby so much love, Bishop.”
“I know we are.”
“Exactly how much have you saved?”She smirks.“I was thinking a couple thousand, but you’re talking about big money if you’re saying college or a down payment on a house.”
“Seventy-five thousand.My goal is a hundred before we’re done with Hawk and them.”
“Jesus fuck, Bishop.”She whistles between her teeth.
“If something ever happens to me and you need it, Caelin has all the info.”I grip her neck between my palms, making sure her eyes are on mine.“Ask him and he can get everything to you.”
“Don’t even talk that way.”She shakes her head.
“These are things we have to talk about now.As I already said, life isn’t always wrapped up in a pretty little bow and we aren’t owed anything.”
She grips my shirt in her fingers.“I’m owed my happily ever after, Bishop, and I’ll be damned if I don’t get it.”
With her saying the words?I almost believe it’s gonna happen.