Page 37 of Bishop
“You and your sister.I’m going over here before I get in trouble.”He hitches a thumb toward one of the bays.
“Sounds like a good idea.”
The sun is shining.It’s a hot one and I’m going to have to go back inside soon.This child raises my internal temperature at least twenty degrees on any given day.Right now, it feels like fifty.Using a piece of paper to fan my face, I see a woman pulling into the parking lot.She’s not much older than I am and she’s made up like she’s on the hunt for a guy.
I’ve watched the guys all day and I know it’s Bishop’s turn to greet walk-ins.I’m extremely interested as I watch my hot man saunter out.He took off his shirt a while ago and now all he has on is a tank top.His tattoos are on full display, as well as the muscles he honed playing football in high school.
She gets out, all long legs and shorts up to her crotch.This bitch uses her ass to shut her car door, pushing her sunglasses up on her head.“Hey,” she greets him in an all-too familiar way.“Can you help me?”
“I can try,” he says as he wipes his hands on the rag he carries.
They turn so that I can no longer hear what’s going on, but I’m fuming as I see her put her hand on his arm.
That’s my fuckin’ arm.
Then, she does this fake laugh that I can hear from where I stand.
“If you come over here, we can see when we can get you in.”
My eyes burn into the both of them as Bishop escorts her across the parking lot.She’s still got her hand on his arm and he isn’t making a move to get it off.
“Harley, babe, can you get her in to have her brakes checked and oil changed?Tiffany knows we can’t do it today.”
I glare at him.“Tiffany, huh?”Turning to her, I give her the same glare.“We don’t have any openings.”
Her flirty smile falters.“It can wait until next week, I’m sure.”
“No, I mean never.Take your hand off my husband.”
She puts her hand on her hips.“He doesn’t wear a ring.”
“Doesn’t mean he’s not spoken for.”
Her gaze travels to my stomach.“Well honey, looks like you can’t exactly afford to turn away paying customers.”
Now I’m real pissed.“Don’t honey me,” I start, but Bishop steps over to me, putting his arm around my neck.
“Babe, she ain’t worth it.You’re the hottest thing out here.”
“Yeah, I am.Your son has me running twenty degrees hotter than I normally am and Dad fixed fish in the office.”My voice quivers and I’m ashamed to feel tears pooling in my eyes.“Now this…” I gesture to the woman standing in front of me.
Bishop clears his throat.“I’m sorry, but we won’t be able to service your car.I can recommend a few places in town.”
She doesn’t say anything, just turns on her heel and walks off.
“I’m sorry,” I whisper.“I don’t know what happened to me.”
“It’s the way I feel when guys come in here and flirt with you while they’re paying their bill.”
“Thank you,” I sigh.“I promise I won’t be this crazy all the time.”
“Hate to break it to ya, babe, but you’re definitely this crazy all the time and I still love you.”
I giggle, burying my head in his neck, thankful he understands and we’re willing to put up with each other.