Page 46 of Bishop
Chapter 25
For the first time in my life, I’m empowered to do what I need.Caelin and I are doing reconnaissance on Erickson’s Concrete, trying to get a good idea of who all is coming and going today.We’re in a parking lot across the street, hidden by an industrial building.The dark tint of the truck we’re in helping as well.
“They aren’t paying any attention,” Caelin says as he takes a drink of his water.“Like they don’t expect you to tell anyone about what happened.”
“Wouldn’t doubt it.”I reach over and grab a cigarette out of the pack on the dash.“Dad probably thinks I’m still scared of him and I’m not anymore.”
“How do you feel about him?”
I sigh.“I don’t know.A part of me knows I should feel some kinda way because he is my dad.If it weren’t for him, I wouldn’t have life but, at the same time, he fucked me up.I’m gonna hate him forever for that.”
“You should.Boundaries are important.You don’t have to love someone just because society says it’s what you’re supposed to do.We’re not the type of people who think blood makes us family.Hopefully, you know that by now.”Caelin glances over.
“It took me a while to understand, but I assure you I do now.”
“Good.I know it’s gotta be hard to come into this group and feel as if you’re accepted for who you are.We’ve known each other a long time and it’s been years since we let an outsider in.”
“It hasn’t been easy, but I feel more at home here than I ever did anywhere else.It took longer than I expected it to, but I know I’m finally where I need to be.”
Caelin takes another drink of his water, watching as most of the workers leave.My brother and dad are standing in front of the building.Inhaling and then exhaling the nicotine helps my nerves to calm.My gaze runs up and down them.They’ve obviously been working hard today.Dust has turned their jeans almost white and the knees are ripped out.If I’m not mistaken, my dad has a hand on his back too.
“You wanna do this now?They’re still not looking for us to be watching them.They’ve been working all day.”
That is one thing I can guarantee.Regardless of how they act, they love money and they’ll work as hard as they have to in order to make it.“Why not?”
“Let me get the guys over.”
Watching the front door, I hear Caelin make a phone call, bringing the Heaven Hill crew to Erickson’s Concrete.
They have to hear the loud rumble of the motorcycles gathering outside the building, but they’re not reacting.That doesn’t surprise me at all.They would rather act like they have no idea what’s going on instead of showing some type of fear.“You ready?”Drew asks as he pulls up next to us.
“As I’ll ever be.”
We head into the building as a group.My heart is pounding, the adrenaline rolling through my body.I’m close to taking care of something I’ve always wanted to.About to get the revenge I’ve wanted.
“Steven Erickson,” I say the full name of my dad as we enter.“I want you to know who’s about to pay you back for all the shit you’ve given me over the years.”
“You think you’re going to?”He grins.“You and what army?”
The guys have been hanging back, waiting for me to tell them I need them.“I have one.C’mon guys.”
The group takes all the oxygen out of the room and, when they come into view, Steven’s eyes widen.“This isn’t your fight,” he tells them.“Don’t get yourself involved in shit that’s not your problem.”
From behind me, Drew answers.“You and I have met once before and you’re still a piece of shit.You don’t know the type of son you have standing before you.Have absolutely no idea the man he is and you’re never going to see it.”
“I see it,” he spits to the side.“I see he’s still not going his own way.He’s following what you tell him.”
“No, I’m not,” I speak up for myself.“I’m doing exactly what I want to do.I’m where I need to be and I’m about to be the father you never were to me.”
“You think it’s easy, good luck with that.”
“It is easy…” I bite out.“All a kid wants is to be loved.They want to be listened to and they want to feel safe.You never did any of that for me.Not once.I looked up to you from the moment I was born.All I wanted was for you to look at me like you looked at my brother.You never did.I was the disposable one.I was the one you could use to play your games.But guess what?Game’s over.”
“Is that what you think?”
“It’s what I know.”I take off my jacket.“I’m gonna get mine and then you’re going to leave us alone.I never want to see your face again and if you come near my family, I’ll fucking kill you.”
Rearing back, I hit him, giving him the punches he always gave me.With Heaven Hill behind me, I don’t have to worry about a steel pipe or any underhanded methods.
The only thing I concentrate on is giving this man what he gave me.
Which was never what the fuck I wanted.