Page 63 of Bishop
Chapter 34
“He looks like us, doesn’t he?”I whisper to Justice as we sit on the screened-in back porch at Grandma and Gramps’ house.
“He does,” she coos.“Those eyes and the set of his chin are one-hundred percent Walker.His little wisp of blonde hair.Are you going to let yours go back to blonde?”She asks, lifting up a lock of my still-dark hair.
“I don’t know, I kinda like it.Not that I want to be different than you, but it sets us apart.”
“It does and I understand.You should do whatever you want.
“His lips are Bishop’s, though.Full and plump, always ready for a smirk or a smile.I think he’s got his forehead too.”
Grandma walks in.“Give me that baby.He looks so much like Drew did when he was his age.”
I roll my eyes.“Don’t give Dad any more bragging rights than he already has.He’s been almost unbearable to put up with.You’d think he pushed this kid out of his vagina.”
“He doesn’t have one,” Justice points out.
Grandma laughs.“He’s always been the one who’ll take the most credit for everything.How are things going with Bishop?”
“Good.”He got up twice with Erick last night.“He’s doing much better than I assumed he would, but it’s nice that we’ll be able to bring him to work with us.I plan on going back next week.”
“Are you sure, Harley?I don’t mind watching him for a few weeks.That’s only four weeks of maternity leave.”
“All I can think of is how far backed up the shop is getting without me being there.”I sigh.
“It’s still gonna be there when you get back,” Grandma reminds me.“It’s not like anyone else is doing it.They’re probably scared to death they’ll mess up your system and have to deal with you when you come back.”
“Probably.”I laugh.“But the honest truth is I miss it.Miss being around adults and having conversations.Right now, my days revolve around breastfeeding, spit-up, and diaper changes.”Turning to Grandma, I continue.”We’re going to take him with us, but if it becomes too much, we’ll definitely be calling on you.I appreciate the offer.”
“I love nothing more than watching the new life being brought into the club.”
There’s a loud rumble in the driveway.“That must be the guys coming back,” Justice says as she gets up, making room on the couch for Bishop.“He’ll wanna sit next to you and cuddle up.He can’t seem to keep his hands off you since Erick was born.”
Her words are true and there’s no other way I would have it.Late nights and early mornings during the first week of Erick’s birth brought us closer together.
“I’m so sleepy.”Bishop groans as he lays his head against the headboard.“Like, so tired I almost feel as if a second-wind is coming.”
“Me too,” I commiserate.“This is just the first week, though.Hopefully, we’ll make it through.”
“We have to.”He laughs.“Who else is going to take care of him?”
“Oh, I’m sure my mom and dad would be right there if we expire from exhaustion.Everyone keeps telling me to sleep when he does.”I look down at our son, thankfully breastfeeding.It’s the one thing I wanted to do and the only part of new motherhood that scared me.But here we are, doing the damn thing.
He lets go, grunting softly.“Let me burp him.”Bishop reaches over, picking him up with sure hands, and begins patting him on the back.
“I love you.”I lean over, giving him a kiss on the cheek.
“I love you too, Lee.Thank you for this life you’ve given me.”
“It’s the life we’ve given each other.”
The front door slams as the guys come in.“Thank God he isn’t asleep,” Justice hisses as they make their way to the back porch.
“He isn’t, so it’s a moot point, babe.”Caelin has a seat next to hear, slinging his arm around her shoulders.
It’s then that I look my man up and down.Normally, he wears a plain jacket.Today, there’s something else covering his torso.It’s a cut with a Heaven Hill patch on it.“You got patched in?”I squeal, getting up and running across the room.
“I did,” he confirms as he picks me up.
Throwing my arms around his neck, I hug him tightly.“I’m so proud of you.”
Grandma Denise clears her throat.“Bishop, dear.Welcome to the family.”
He grips my waist, pulling me closer.“Thank you.”He glances down at me.“I’m right where I want to be and proud as hell to call myself a Walker.”