Page 73 of Paradise Found
We walk back to the villa hand in hand, and as soon as we reach the outside of the villa, he lets go of my hand and runs toward the pool. He rolls himself up into a ball as he dive-bombs into the crystal blue water, making me laugh.
“Come on in. It’s nice,” he says, beckoning me in.
I shed my robe and leap into the warm water. He grabs me as soon as I pop up and pulls me into his arms. My legs wrap around his waist as we lazily float around the pool.
“You have no idea how many times I’ve wished for you to be back in my arms again,” he whispers in my ear.
Damn him for being so sweet.
“Is this where you ran to after Christmas? he asks.
I nod my head, answering his question. “The island was always in the plans even before I met you. I had agreed to join their new team out here. It was the reason why I was reluctant to take things further with you …” I pause because this information is new, “… because I knew I was leaving.”
“Guess I wore you down.” He smiles as we continue to float around in the water. “You know I would have understood if you had told me.”
Why is this man so freaking perfect?
“It would have been my choice to continue what we had going on or to pause it till you got back,” he states.
He’s right. Guess I wasn’t ready for a man who had his head screwed on like Alistair does.
“My walls were still up, even though they were beginning to crumble. My dreams meant more to me than any relationship, and in most ways, they still do,” I tell him honestly.
Alistair absorbs my words. “You’re a talented baker, Elle, and you deserve your dreams.”
The sincerity in his eyes shines through. He’s not saying it just because he wants to get into my pants. I lean forward and kiss him, which has him gripping me hard when he kisses me back.
“I would never get in the way of making those dreams of yours become a reality, Elle,” he states seriously.
“I know … I understand that now.” I smile down at him.
“I’ve noticed you don’t post as many photos as you used to on your business account,” he states.
“You’ve been following me?”
“Of course, I have,” he says, rolling his eyes with a smirk on his face.
Why does my heart expand upon hearing this? After everything I’ve put him through, he still wanted to check in on how I was doing.
“I created a second account, so I could watch and see if you were okay. If you were happy. I needed to know that you were all right.”
This man.
“I may have done the same to you,” I confess.
Alistair raises a brow, and a smirk falls across his lips.
“Really? What did you find?” he asks.
“There were alotof beautiful women on your arm,” I add, jealousy gnawing at my core.
“There were,” he agrees with a smile.
“Which is fine because I’m the one who left you, and you’re single, and …” my words run away with me, so I trail off.