Page 13 of Unconditional
“So, Miss Maxwell, I am happy for you to go ahead with physical therapy starting next week. I wouldn’t normally recommend it before three weeks, but your knee seems to be healing in the correct way, which means therapy can begin.” The good doctor stops when my face breaks out in a big smile. “I am also aware of how anxious you are to get back to horseback riding and although you are still a long way off from that sort of strenuous exercise, you are definitely moving in the right direction with your injury,” Dr. Rolof tells me. I couldn’t be happier with this news, apart from the bit about—
“When you say, ‘a long way off’, how long do you mean?”
He eyes me, then sighs. “Your father informed me you were determined to get back in the saddle sooner rather than later Miss Maxwell. I told him I would be sure to only give you the green light when I am one hundred percent happy. Already from the healing in the last ten days, I can see you have made excellent progress. I would say with rehab and making sure you are taking the right steps to enhance your recovery; we are looking at another month to six weeks.”
I fall back in my seat with a sigh, my smile fading. Six weeks will take us to June. We are due to leave for England on June fourth. I need to speed this up in any way possible and am willing to follow all the rules if it helps. I flash him a tight smile. “Thank you Dr. Rolof. I’ll see you next week.” I turn to Aria, who watches me with a look of pity. “Let’s go,” I say solemnly. She nods and helps me out of the chair. We reach the door and as Aria pulls it open, the doctor speaks.
“Take care of yourself. Lots of elevation and hot and cold packs will help. See you next week.”
We step outside where Greg and Bishop are waiting for us. “How did it go?” Greg asks as we make our way to the parking lot. Bishop jogs ahead of us no doubt going to get the SUV and pull it up out front.
“Okay. He said I can start physical therapy next week.”
Greg smiles. “That’s good, you will be back in the saddle before you know it.”
“I hope so. I don’t want to miss so much that Fisher Grant doesn’t think I’ll be ready for the teams.”
“I am sure it will all work out, Thalia. I know you and I know how much you want this. If anyone can do it, it’s you.”
I beam at him, at his faith in me. I just hope he’s right, and it does work out.
There can be no other way.