Page 21 of Unconditional

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Page 21 of Unconditional



“How are you feeling princess?” my father asks, his face filling the screen of my iPad. I open my mouth to speak when my sister gets there before me.

“I’m good, daddy. In fact, I may stay in Miami for an extra week. I’m having so much fun.” I don’t miss the humor in her voice. She knows the question was directed at me.

He sighs in exasperation as my mama’s lips twitch in amusement. Aria has always been the one to antagonize our father. “I was talking to your sister, but you knew that, didn’t you, Aria? I am glad you are enjoying yourself though and yes, if you want to extend your trip then that’s great. I am sure Thalia will welcome the company.”

Aria laughs as I speak, “I’m fine, daddy. My knee is feeling better every day and the doctor said I can start physical therapy next week.”

He shoots me a stern look. “I know, I already spoke with him. Don’t push yourself if you’re not ready, Thalia, it’ll only make it worse,” he warns.

“I won’t. Promise. I know I’m keen to get back to my horses, but I also know doing it before I’m healed will only delay any progress I’ve made.”

He nods, his eyes glittering with approval. “I’m happy you’re finally listening, sweetheart. I only want what’s best for you.”

“I know, daddy,” I whisper, glancing up when Aria pushes off the couch and leaves the lounge, her fingers moving over the screen of her cell.

“Bambina, I’m changing the subject, but I think it’s something you will be very interested in. Viali Rivella contacted my people.” I resist an eyeroll. Rivella is one of the biggest fashion houses in the world and rules every fashion week in every city. I already know what my mama is going to say before she says it. “Now before you say no, I think you’ll change your mind once you hear this.” She shoots me a look. “Paris fashion week next year? They want you to be part of the show.” I open my mouth to say no, that I’ll be on some tour hopefully, when she holds her hand up to stop me. “Hear me out, principessa. It involves a horse and will be the first time it’s been done. You will make history if you do it.” My ears prick with interest. Mama definitely notices if the smile curving her lips is anything to go by. “He wants you to open and close the show. Viali has been following your showjumping and fashion career and thinks that you are the perfect fit. He wants to combine the two. I’m not sure of the logistics or any of that yet, but he wanted to put out feelers and see if you would be interested in something like this. Obviously because it involves live animals and a catwalk, there will need to be lots of rehearsal which I’m sure we can work around, but baby, I think something like this, something that has never been seen before, could skyrocket your name whether it’s in fashion or the equestrian world. And the best part, it’s bringing together both of your interests. I think it’s perfect.”

It is perfect and I like the fact that it’s never been done before. I always tell mama that if I can combine the two then I will consider it. This seems too big of an opportunity to pass up. “I’m interested,” I blurt, making my mama smile. “But I want more details first. Schedules, etc...” I trail off when an idea hits me. “Can you find out if I can use one of my horses? Lolli would be perfect because she’s so pretty.” I smile at the thought. I mean, I don’t know how she would react in that sort of environment but the idea of riding Lolli in a fashion show instead of a strange horse? It appeals to me.

“Of course, bambina. Leave it to me.”

I smile. We’re talking about more general things when my sister comes back into the room and my brother appears on the screen with my parents.

“Baby sisters, how are you both?”

“Hey, big brother,” we say in unison. We glance at each other and chuckle. Even though we don’t spend loads of time together anymore we’re still so in sync.

“How’s your knee, Thalia?” he asks seriously.

I sigh. I’m over talking about my injury, but I know Evan is only worried about me. “It will get there but yes, I’m feeling better.”

His eyes narrow before he smiles. “I have a business meeting in Miami next week, I was going to come and visit.” He’s not asking me; he is telling me.

“Sounds great. I’ll be here, not doing a lot,” I grumble.

He chuckles. “Glad to hear you’re resting up.” He turns to Aria. “What are your plans? Will you still be in Wellington?”

“Yes, for another week or two. We can have a sibling get together. We haven’t done that in so long.”

Evans lips curl into a wide smile. “Sounds good. I’ll let both of you know my schedule. Talk to you later.” With that, he leaves the room. After that we talk a little more and then end the call. I feel exhausted and all I want to do is shower, then cuddle up on the couch with Theo when he gets here. But he’s cooking dinner and Aria is joining us. Aria who also invited Bishop, like it’s some sort of double date. I dread to think what would happen if my father caught us like that. Both of his daughters with men they have no business being with. How would we explain it? I don’t think we could. It’s not something I have to worry about though because I just spoke to him, and I know he’s in New York.

It still makes me shudder just thinking about that scenario, though.

* * *

Theo, Aria, Bishop, and I sit around the small dining table in my apartment. My sister and I hold most of the conversation whilst Bishop sits stoic and grumpy, and Theo stays mostly quiet. I expect it from Bishop, he’s always that way. The only time I’ve seen him smile or really talk is when he’s with my Aria. Theo just seems off and I’m sure it’s because he expected alone time with me instead of this.

“Who knew you were such a great cook, Theo. That was delicious,” my sister says as she finishes her food.

Theo eyes her, then nods. “Glad you enjoyed it.”

“Theo is a great cook. It’s one of the things I love about him,” I chirp, leaning over to press a kiss to his cheek. He smiles, adoration shining in his eyes as he looks down at me. H reaches forward, cups my cheeks, and presses his lips to mine briefly. I blush, watching him when a throat clears. My sister slides her chair out, Bishop doing the same.

“So, since we don’t want to watch you two making out all night, we’re going to catch a movie. Don’t wait up.” With that they take their plates to the sink and leave.

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