Page 25 of Unconditional
“How is therapy going?” my brother, Evan, asks before shoveling a forkful of steak into his mouth.
He arrived in town last night and is staying at the house in Miami, where he had a business meeting this morning. When that was finished, he came to Wellington and now my sister, brother, and I are at a nice restaurant not far from my apartment with Greg, Bishop, and Duncan—Evan’s guard—trying to be inconspicuous a few tables down. But it’s hard to miss the big men with faces that scream they mean business.
I look up from my salad at my brother with a smile. “It’s going well. I can feel an improvement even with only a couple of sessions under my belt.”
He grins pointing his fork at me. “I’m not dad, Thalia, you don’t have to lie to me.”
“I’m not lying. Yes, I want to get back to my horses as quickly as possible, but I wouldn’t lie about my injury. It will only make it worse if I do.” I scowl.
He leans back, searching my face. “You seem different, more grown up. Are you still enjoying being at Rhodes Farms? How’s Theo treating you?” he pauses with a frown. “I still don’t like the way he looks at you.” I swallow when I detect a hint of accusation in his voice, but thankfully my sister steps in.
Aria chuckles beside me. “Evan, our little sister is growing up. Of course, she seems different. It’s been nearly a year since she left New York and during that time you’ve only seen her a handful of times. Thalia isn’t a little girl anymore, and its time you and daddy realized that. She is going to meet someone, have sex. It’s part of growing up.” She waves him off.
“Have sex? Who is she having sex with?” he grits out. I shoot my sister a look that sayswhat the hell are you doing?But she just laughs harder.
“Jesus, Evan. Chill out. I said she’s going to. Not that she has. I’m so glad you and dad aren’t like this with me. Your protectiveness is overkill.” She smothers her words by wiping at her mouth with a napkin. Evan’s eyes narrow in on me as he searches my face. I blink as a bead of sweat trickles down my spine. I want to tell him about Theo, but I’m worried about his reaction. That, and I should really tell my dad first.
“Yes, well, Aria, you are a rule unto yourself. As for Thalia, she is eighteen, she doesn’t need to be thinking about stuff like that just yet,” he grumbles. Aria snorts at the accuracy of his statement.
I throw my napkin at my plate, finished with my food and this conversation. “Almost nineteen,” I correct.
“What?” my brother drawls.
“I’m almost nineteen, Evan. In July, remember?” I arch a brow in question before carrying on. “And if I want to have sex, I will. It’s a bit hypocritical of you, don’t you think, brother? I seem to recall hearing that you lost your virginity at fourteen to a junior in high school, and let’s not forget about the time in Ibiza when you were photographed on daddy’s boat having sex and it was blasted all over the tabloids”
Aria chokes on a laugh whilst Evan scowls at me. I can tell I’ve pissed him off, but I don’t care. He’s being a hypocrite.
“That’s different. I’m a man and I’m not naïve. It would be easy for men to take advantage of you, Thalia. You’ve been coddled most of your life.”
“And whose fault is that?” I snap before sighing when his eyes widen in surprise at my raised voice. I know he’s just looking out for me in his own way, but fuck. Sometimes it’s too much. “Look, I know you want to protect me the rest of my life, but I’m an adult that has been living on her own for months, Evan. I love you but you need to stop this. It’s going to happen.”
His eyes soften. “I know, baby sis. Although I hate the thought of you and Parker, he would be a good fit and I know he would look after you. If you are going to start dating, Parker is a good choice,” he enunciates. I bite back a laugh, looking at Aria as her body vibrates with silent laughter beside me. I elbow her to get her to stop but it’s no use. I look to my brother who rolls his eyes at her.
“What’s up with her?” he jerks his head in her direction.
“I don’t know,” I lie with a shake of my head.
“I swear she’s adopted,” he teases.
Aria’s laughing stops and she glowers at him. “Asshole,” she mumbles before we all break out in laughter.
It’s good to forget about all the stress and laugh with my siblings.
* * *
“Can you feel that?” Ross, my therapist, asks as he manipulates my knee.
“Yes,” I grunt. It hurts. Bad.
This morning I woke up in more pain than usual and there was fluid around the kneecap. I saw the doctor first who inserted a needle and withdrew the excess water that had gathered and gave me more pain relief. He wasn’t worried, told me things like this could happen and sent me on my way to my therapy appointment. I had panicked thinking it was going to set me back but speaking to my doctor relieved some of my worry. I wasn’t going to tell my father but since my parents are flying in tomorrow and I know my doctor will tell them—if he hasn’t already—it will be better coming from me. I need to be honest. At least then he will trust me not to hide anything from him.
“All done, Thalia.” He pulls the blanket over me. “You may get some tenderness and a little swelling today but it’s to be expected after the water retention and subsequent treatment that followed with your doctor.”
I nod. “Thank you, Ross.”