Page 42 of Unconditional
I’ve been in Italy for a week. and I still haven’t seen my piccola. She’s in Ibiza on her family’s yacht with the fucking prince. I know this because I still have alerts set up on my cell for anything and everything to do with Thalia Maxwell. Doesn’t mean I have to like them.
I’m man enough to admit it pisses me the fuck off and breaks my heart seeing her with him. I’ve had to talk myself down from doing something stupid—like kidnapping her and tying her to my bed—more than once. Those pictures of her smiling at him. Him holding her. It’s like a knife to the chest. I want all her smiles. I want to hold her. She is mine. My heart rate speeds up with my thoughts. I clench my jaw and fists at the thought of her with him. If I dwell on it too much, I’m likely to hit something. Preferably, I would like it to be that asshole, Francois Toussaint. But it will have to wait.
For now.
“Theodore Rhodes,” a masculine voice drawls. Glancing over my shoulder, I watch as Fisher Grant makes his way towards where I’m sitting and going over my horses FEI paperwork. “You’re back?” he asks it as a question but it’s obvious I am. He pulls out a chair and drops down in it, clearly wanting to talk before he goes away.
“Your observation skills are second to none, Fisher,” I deadpan.
He scoffs. “So why after all this time have you chosen to make your comeback in Italy and not Wellington? Surely that would have been easier for you after everything.” He’s referring to my breakup with Mel and the subsequent loss of my animals.
“I have my reasons.” I shrug.
His lips curve into a knowing smirk. “Those reasons wouldn’t happen to be a dark-haired beauty that goes by the name of Thalia Maxwell, would they?” I stare at him blankly, not giving anything away. His grin grows bigger, and he smacks his hand on the table. “I’m right, aren’t I?” He laughs. “Hate to break it to you, Theo, but that fine piece of ass has been locked down. And by a prince no less. We peasants don’t stand a chance.” I fist my hands, wanting to throttle the bastard in front of me. “She’s been doing very well on the circuit though. You were right, she is talented. I don’t doubt you were a massive help in all that,” he muses, looking away before his eyes come back to me. “Tell me, why did she leave you to train with Laney Murdoch? I thought you had a good thing going there, training someone so high profile.” The fucker winks. He knows he’s getting to me. Knows I’m about two seconds from showing him how much he’s pissing me off.
“Enough,” I bark. “My private life is off the table. I’m here to prove myself, remind people why I was number one in the world for several years running and why I will be again. If you aren’t here to talk horses then leave,” I hiss.
He grins sardonically as he pushes to a stand. “I doubt you’re going to do that with two horses, Theo. You know as well as me that this sport is all about horsepower and you don’t have that. It will be interesting to see what you bring to this tour and maybe you’ll make a nations cup team this year, but you’ll need to work twice as hard as everyone else. You only have one top horse, the odds are not in your favor, but we’ll see what you bring to this tour. I’ll be watching.” With that, he saunters away like the arrogant fucker he is.
I fall back in my chair and sigh. What Fisher just said is right. This sport is about having a good string of top horses. I’m at a disadvantage. But I don’t care. I’ll show them all what I’m made of.
And I only need one horse to do that.
* * *
Today is the day I’ll finally get to see my piccola. I know this because her horses arrived yesterday and being the stalker that I am, I signed up to Instagram. Although my piccola doesn’t post much, her boyfriend does, and I know they will be arriving today at some point.
Knowing that Jess works for Thalia, I’ve kept my distance from their designated stabling, not wanting her to spot me and have the chance to tell Thalia. I want my being here to be a surprise. Fortunately, the showground is big enough that I can keep hidden until that time. I have also asked Tessa to be discreet and not approach Jess. She gave me a funny look but didn’t ask any questions, even though I could tell she wanted to.
I’m currently holed up in my apartment, having exercised both horses early this morning whilst everywhere was quiet. I obsessively check Instagram to see whether my baby has arrived. She hasn’t.
My mind drifts to how I’m going to approach her. Do I rip the Band-Aid off and just do it? Do I wait a few more days for her to get settled? Do I just throw her over my shoulder, bring her to my apartment, and demand she be mine again?
I’m leaning towards the latter, but I know if I do that it will only hinder my case, not help it.
Sighing, I run a hand through my hair. I just want her back in my arms where she belongs. She may think she wants the prince, but she doesn’t. The day she set foot on Rhodes Farms she became mine. Something so transcendent happened when we met and changed us both forever. My love for her is unconditional. We are irrevocable. Fated. And there is no world where she and I don’t exist as one. Together. I won’t allow it.
There may have been a few bumps in our road. Some major setbacks. But now, if she’ll let me prove it to her, if she’ll take me back, it’ll all be smooth sailing from here on out. I just need to convince her of that.
And get rid of that fucking Francois in the process.
* * *
My piccola has landed.
Twenty minutes ago, the prince updated his Instagram account with a picture of the San Giovanni sign that sits above the entrance gates. He clearly thinks it’s cute to let his followers know where he is. I just think he’s stupid, constantly sharing their location when they’re both from such high-profile families.
Hopping in the shower, I quickly wash, freshen up, and shove on some jeans and a shirt. I’m going to take a casual walk around the showground down to where I know her horses are stabled and hope that I find her. I have no idea where she’s staying whilst here or even if she’s staying on site. I hope she is. It’ll be easier to spend time with her.
Grabbing my keys, I leave the apartment and make my way to the pavilion first. It’s full of people but none of them are the girl I’m looking for. I speak to a few people I know, choosing to avoid others, like Mackenzie. I grimace when I spot her at the bar, laughing and joking with a man I don’t recognize. It’s only just past two in the afternoon and she is well on her way to being drunk. I haven’t missed that part of the showjumping world. The drinking. The bed hopping. But clearly some people never change.
Moving outside, I start towards the stables. I’m only a few minutes into my journey when I spot long dark hair that I would know anywhere.
My piccola.