Page 47 of Unconditional
This is another reason why there is no one better for my piccola as a trainer or a boyfriend. I just want her. Not what I can make from her. I think I proved that by giving everything I built up for her. I just need Thalia to remember what we were. What we had.
Sighing, I continue down to the stables.
* * *
After exercising both horses, I feel happier than I’ve felt in a long while. That may have more to do with the fact that I caught my piccola watching me and less to do with the riding, but the fact of the matter is, I haven’t felt like this since before Thalia left me in Wellington.
I chuckle to myself. She thought she was being sly, hiding in the shadows of the viewing area but I saw her. I had puffed out my chest and ridden like my life depended on it, giving my best performance just for her. I pretended I didn’t know she was there, and she carried on with her day as if she wasn’t stalking me. But I saw her.
Making my way back to my apartment, I stop when I hear her voice. My own stalking tendencies come out and I make myself scarce, hiding behind a random stall to listen.
“So, first I need to go see Henri and then I’ll meet you at La Asiago in town at twelve for lunch. I’ve been there before, and they do the most amazing lasagna,” Francois drawls. “At least then we can have a conversation without worrying that anyone can overhear us.”
Thalia chuckles, the sound warming my chest. “We could just stay at the apartment if you don’t want people to hear our conversation.” I can imagine her rolling her eyes.
“But I want to go off the showground and then we can go to the beach. Come on, baby girl, I want to have a day of fun before competition starts.” I grit my teeth at him calling her “baby girl”. She isn’t his baby anything.
I hear a sigh which I am sure is my girl. “Okay, I’ll make Greg aware of our plans.”
“Speaking of Greg, where is he? He’s normally glued to your side,” the prince says, making my brows cinch. He’s right. Greg is normally a step behind Thalia wherever she goes.
“I sent him back to his apartment. He doesn’t need to follow me around when I’m doing horse things. The spotlight is off my family now the royal wedding and awards season are over. I wish my father would cut Greg completely; not that I don’t love having him around, but it can be stifling sometimes.”
Francois bursts out laughing. “And it won’t be so easy to get away when you want to se—”
He’s cut off by Thalia, “Shut up. That is not the reason.”
“Whatever you say, baby girl. Whatever you say.” I hear the humor in his voice, followed by a chuckle.
“I better not keep Henri waiting. See you for lunch.” A wet kiss sounds, and it takes all my willpower not to reveal myself and pull him away from her.
Francois passes where I’m hidden without seeing me. Knowing there’s no end to my crazy or what I’ll do to get my piccola back, I quietly follow behind him. He walks into a container which I assume is his tack room. That’s when I completely lose all reason. Once he’s inside, I slam the door shut and click the padlock on the door into place.
Stepping back, I smile to myself as fists pound on the other side. I scan the area, grinning wider when I find it’s in a secluded part of the showground. Perfect.
“Hey, let me out,” his French voice sounds before he curses.
Pocketing the key, I smirk to myself.
Guess the prince is not meeting my piccola for lunch after all.
But I am. I’ve given her time to come to terms with my return. Now it’s time for her to face me and hear what I have to say.
Even if I have to force it.