Page 59 of Unconditional
“Okay,” I accept the inevitable. No matter how much I fight us, I know there is only one outcome. He smiles and I hold a finger up to him. “But I want to take it slow. I want to go on dates and do it properly this time. You need to understand that I’m scared, Theo. It broke me once to lose you. I can’t go through that again.” I swallow past the lump in my throat.
He nods. “Whatever you want. But just know, you will not lose me. Not this time. No way. It’s you and me, piccola. It’s always been us.” Then he kisses me before we spend the rest of the evening watching movies. It’s the perfect first date.
* * *
“So, you’ve forgiven the hot piece of man meat?” Franny asks as we circle the sand arena.
Shrugging, I say, “There was nothing to forgive. He didn’t do anything wrong. Yes, he made choices which led to our separation, but I never blamed him for the catalyst that finally broke us,” I tell him honestly.
I feel his eyes on me. “Are you ever going to tell me what happened?”
I glance at him. “It’s not my story to tell. Just know that what we both thought, it was all a lie.”
He sighs. “I just want you to be happy and if Theo is the man that brings you happiness, you have my blessing.” His eyes drift past me and he grins. “But promise me if you ever get bored you will pass him my way.”
Following his line of sight, I see Theo watching us. I turn back to my friend. “Stop looking at him like that. I have enough problems with women eyeing him up, I don’t need my best friend doing it too,” I hiss.
He cackles. “Oh honey, get used to it. When you choose a man like that, it comes with the territory. He’s hot, he will get attention. Just like you do. Don’t think I don’t see the way men look at you. I can tell you now, that if I did like women inthatway, you would be my dream girl.”
I chuckle, opening my mouth to reply when my name is called. “Thalia, you’re next. Come on,” Laney barks in exasperation. She thinks Franny and I distract each other from the task at hand. We don’t. I’m quite capable of talking to my best friend and having my head in the game.
“Good luck, baby girl,” Franny shouts as I walk to the entrance.
Coming to a stop, Laney eyes me. She taps my leg, silently asking me to lift it so she can check my girth. I feel Theo’s eyes boring a hole in the side of my head and I chance a glance at him. He smiles, mouthing good luck to me. Blushing, I duck my head.
“You remember your course?” Laney asks, dropping my saddle flap.
I resist rolling my eyes. She knows damn well I do. “Yes, of course.”
“Good. This should be an easy class for Roman. Get out there and show me what you’ve got.”
I nod as the steward calls me down the tunnel. Entering the arena, I squeeze Roman into a canter, doing a circle before stopping. Saluting the judges, I glance over the course, committing it to memory again. The starting bell sounds. I push into a canter, straightening up for the first fence which is a colorful oxer. Putting my leg on, we hit it in perfect stride, clearing it in the next second. Sitting up, I curve right and line Roman up for the second fence—a wavy plank upright—and he clears it with so much ease, I can’t help but smile.
The rest of the course goes the same, and then I’m coming down to the second to last fence, a water jump. I dig in my heels, letting him know I’m the boss, then kick him forward four strides out just as Laney told me to. He clears it but gets excited and gallops down to the last fence, which is a double. It takes every muscle in my arms to settle him back into a controlled canter and not just let him go at full speed. I manage to pull him back and prepare him for the last couple of fences. We hit them perfectly and he jumps the first part, then the second, allowing us to finish with a clear round.
Applause breaks out around us, and I pat Roman’s neck as I try to catch my breath. Pulling him to a walk, a voice sounds over the speakers, “And that was a clear round for Thalia Maxwell and Romantiek.” I grin to myself and make my way towards the exit.
Glancing up, the first person I search for is Theo. I find him, but he’s not alone. My smile drops. Anger and worry course through me.
Standing right next to him is the last person I would have expected.