Page 65 of Unconditional
Dinner with my piccola’s parents went even better than I could have ever imagined. Although I want her family’s approval, I don’t need it. It won’t change anything regarding my feelings or our relationship. I’m not letting her go now that I have her again. But it’s easier if we all get along. My piccola appreciates it and I have never seen her as happy as she was when we sat eating and laughing with her family.
My parents are landing in Italy later today and I’m excited for Thalia to meet them. The last ten months without her, they heard and saw how much she means to me. How much I love her.
“Theodore Rhodes, can you make your way to the entrance. You’re next to compete,” a steward calls over the microphone. I nod at Tessa that I’m finished with the practice fences and walk down to the tunnel. It’s the five-star grand prix, the big finishing class this week and although the competition is strong, I have no doubt I’m going to make a splash. I need to. This will be my biggest win if I can achieve it.
“Good luck,” a soft voice hits my ear.
I grin, pulling to a stop. My head snaps to the woman I love with everything in me. “I don’t need luck, piccola. When are you to go?” It’s the first time we’ve competed in the same competition, and it’s brought out an even more competitive side in both of us.
“I have around six before me.” She jerks her head. “Now get in there, the steward looks about ready to kill you,” she giggles.
“See you on the flip side, baby.” I flash her a smile, before making my way into the arena.
* * *
My piccola beat me. I’m not shocked. Her riding was spectacular. She hit every jump correctly on Robin and had the fastest time in the whole competition, landing her first place and the big win. I took second place, which is fine. If it had been anyone else beating me, I would have been bothered but since it’s Thalia and she looks so happy, I can’t help but get caught up in her excitement.
“Well done, baby. First position couldn’t have gone to a better horse/rider combination,” I murmur as we make our way back inside the arena for our awards.
She smirks at me. “Who would have thought that I would beat the great Theodore Rhodes?”
I grin at her, opening my mouth to speak, but I’m cut off by an annoying drawl. “Aww it’s so sweet that you two can finally be open with your relationship.” My head snaps back, eyes landing on Dean Carruthers who is also entering the arena for the awards ceremony. I’m aware he has been on this tour, have seen him in the same competitions as me, but for the most part Melody and Dean have kept to themselves and out of my way. Although I’m ready to show the world my piccola is mine, Thalia still wants to keep it quiet. So, this asshole running his mouth is really pissing me off. I glance behind him, grimacing when I see Laney Murdoch—who came in fifth place—her face a mixture of confusion and realization.
Thalia and I haven’t spoken about what comes next. Whether she continues to train with Laney or whether I take over her coaching. Obviously, I want the latter to happen, but it’s Thalia’s choice. Our dynamics have changed, and things will be different if she decides to let me teach her again. First and foremost, I’m her partner and that comes before anything. If my training her is going to jeopardize that in anyway then I would rather she stays put. But in my head, I have visions of us setting up our own farm and being a team. I can only hope that she wants that too.
“Shut up, Dean, keep your nose out of my business,” I bark.
He smirks. “Always so touchy when it comes to Miss Maxwell. No wonder Melody hates her so much.” He moves his gaze to my piccola, and I want to rip his eyes out for even thinking he can look at her, let alone speak to her. “Well done, Thalia. That was a first-class performance. Must be the new trainer.” He winks, before his gaze moves behind him to Laney who’s watching all this play out with narrowed eyes.
Thalia shakes her head, then comes to a stop at the winner’s enclosure. A girl rushes towards her with a horse blanket and sash. “Is he okay if I throw the blanket on?” she asks.
“Of course,” my piccola answers with a smile, pushing up out of her saddle. Once the winner’s blanket is on, the girl hands the sash to Thalia, who moves it in place over her head and shoulder. I smile, my chest puffing out in pride. My girl is amazing in every way. Applause and murmurs of congratulations sound. I look up to see her family directly in front of us on a private balcony of the clubhouse.
Thalia blushes and waves at them. I’m so caught up in my happiness for Thalia, I don’t hear someone move up beside me. “What is going on with you and my student?”
I sigh, moving my gaze to Laney. “I don’t see how that is any of your business, Laney,” I say as politely as I can. It has nothing to do with her and she is out of line asking me. She better not say anything to my piccola. If she makes Thalia feel uncomfortable in any way, I will rain fire down on her ass.
“It is my business if you’re trying to poach my client.”
I snort derisively. Is that all she’s worried about? Losing the Maxwell money? “Worried you’re going to lose your biggest income? Get a grip, Laney. If you only see Thalia as a cash cow you shouldn’t be training her at all,” I whisper only for her to hear.
Laney opens her mouth before snapping it shut.
“What’s going on?” My girl’s sweet voice hits my ears. I glance up at her and smile. She has finished with her prize giving and photoshoot, which means they will be handing out the other ribbons. I’m proven right when I spot the girl rush towards us with a basket full of colorful rosettes.
“Nothing, Thalia. Well done, you were great today. It says something when the student beats the master.” Laney laughs but I can tell it’s forced.
Thalia smiles and it’s so breathtaking, my breath hitches in my throat. “Thanks, Laney.”
We all stop talking when the girl pins the ribbons on our bridles and after the photographer has taken the pictures he needs, we start our lap of honor. Whilst the rest of us leave the arena, my baby does her winner’s lap. The crowd goes wild, and I’m so happy for her I could burst. Hopping off Beau, I hand him over when I meet up with Tessa.
“Well done, Theo, great round.” She turns her attention to my horse. “And you are such a good boy, extra treats for you tonight.” I shake my head then turn back to the exit as I wait for my girl to come out. I spot Mel out of my peripheral with a child and stroller as she talks with Dean. She glances at me with a smirk, then her lips meet his and they put on a porn worthy make out session. I can’t help chuckling at their display. If she thinks I care, she is even more delusional then I originally thought.
Thalia finally exits the arena, her smile dropping to a frown when she spots Dean and Mel. I make my way to her as she hops off Robin and Jess takes him. “You were amazing,” I murmur wanting her eyes to come back to me.