Page 25 of Caged (Savage Men 1)
I don’t understand anything about this.
“What happened?” Syrena asks, crawling closer to my cell. “I can hear you. You’re back.”
“But I swear I could hear her voice.”
Grumbling, I pick up my cup and take a much-needed drink.
I never thought women could be this confusing. She looks at me, practically eye fucks my body, but when I come to take her, she won’t let me.
It’s what we both wanted, so why not?
I fought hard for her and earned him money, so now I get to pleasure her. That’s what he said would happen, and I trusted him.
But then why won’t she accept me? Am I not good enough? Am I wrong for her? Or did I not give her enough kisses? Not enough attention?
Next time I try, I’ll make sure to rub her too. Maybe that’ll warm her up to me. Even though her mouth felt like it was ready, maybe her sweet pussy wasn’t.
That must be it.
I just have to put more effort into it. Maybe kiss her down there too and let my tongue do all the work. Then she’ll open up to me; I just know it.
After finishing the last drop of water, I crush the plastic cup in my hand and clear my throat. Something just clicked, and I know it’s her door. Within seconds, it opens, and I see her stepping back into her glass cage slowly, carefully sliding along the concrete floor as if she’s scared something’s waiting for her.
But there’s not. He’d never do that to her. She’s mine, and he’ll be kind and gentle to what belongs to me.
At least, that’s what he told me.
But he also told me she’d like me, and that was a lie.
So maybe not everything Father says is true.
Accompanying Song: “Freeze All Motor Functions” by Ramin Djawadi
I sit on the bed and try to calm my heart down, but it’s still pounding out of my chest. Images of what just happened keep flashing in my head, making me wonder if I could’ve done anything differently to prevent what happened.
But that’s bad. I didn’t do anything wrong. I’m here, captured, taken from my home. None of this is my fault. Not the room, not the door opening, not Cage plucking me like a ripe fruit to devour.
Yet I can’t help but feel sorry for him as he sits there across the glass pane window, staring angrily at the wall like he knows he did something wrong.
Like he’s beating himself up over it.
And for some reason … I almost want to reach out to him.
Even though I can’t. Not anymore.
The second I entered this room again, the door behind me locked.
Graham made sure no one can go in and out without him knowing.
Suddenly, the door in the back of the room opens, and Graham storms in with a look on his face that predicts thunder.
“Why? Why didn’t you take her?” he yells, glaring at Cage, who gets up from his bed and stares at him with parted lips. “How dare you defy my orders like that!”
“She doesn’t—”
“I don’t care what she wants!” Graham snaps, interrupting Cage.
“What happened?” Syrena asks. “Did Cage try to do something to you, Ella?”
“You, shut up!” Graham barks. “And you …” Now he points at me. “Your only purpose here is to do exactly what I want. Did you forget the little deal we made, missy?” He approaches the glass, so I scramble up from the bed and back away into a corner as far away from him as I possibly can.
“We had an agreement, remember? You’d be a good girl, and in exchange, you’d be rewarded.”
Yeah, right.
It’s almost sickening how much indignation he seems to feel, despite offering me up like some gift to the gods.
I’m a human, not an object for him to use whenever he sees fit.
And I am not a prize to be given away.
So I stare at him and stand my ground without fear, without yielding.
“You play by my rules,” he spits, pointing at the glass. “And my rule is that when I let him out of his cage, you are his.”
“What?” Syrena quips. “Cage can take Ella? As in fuck her?”
“I told you to shut up!” Graham growls, and then he focuses on me again. “You … you’ll pay for this.”
He rummages through his pocket and takes out a knife, pointing it at me. Threatening me with it.
I swallow the lump in my throat at the size of the thing.
“NO!” Cage growls, furiously staring at Graham in a way that I’ve never seen before. As if his gaze could split mountains in half.
“What? She won’t have permanent scars … It’ll only be a small cut. Just enough for her to learn her lesson.”
Cage rams the glass cage so hard it quivers and catches everybody’s attention, even Graham’s.
It’s quiet for a few seconds before Cage’s resounding, booming voice echoes through the chamber again. “No …”