Page 8 of Caged (Savage Men 1)
I’m far from okay.
I’m in a glass prison with an unknown stranger, being held like some caged animal.
For what reason?
Will I ever get out?
Graham … how can such a cruel man have such a sweet name?
In the morning and evening, he stops by with clean clothes and food. The food wrapped in aluminum, he places it in the box then pushes it my way so I can take it out. The box only opens from one side, obviously. He took precautions so he wouldn’t get attacked. Smart. Because I would’ve definitely taken the opportunity.
The food doesn’t come with utensils, so I’m left to eat with my hands. Rice and chicken were on the menu tonight, but it’s not enough. I’m still hungry, but I won’t ask for more. I’ll be damned if I beg that man. I’d rather starve.
The small toilet in the corner is visible to anyone, so I usually wait until the man next to me is asleep before I go. But it’s hard holding it all day. I can’t imagine keeping this up for months. I’ll probably have no other choice, though.
Now, I’m lying on the bed with a rumbling stomach, and a stranger is staring straight back at me.
Ever since I’ve gotten here, the stranger on the other side of the room hasn’t taken his eyes off me. Not unless Graham is in the room, which makes me wonder if he’s scared of repercussions. But the moment Graham’s gone, he returns to watching over me with a certain vigilance that’s as much endearing as it is scary.
He seems so calm, unlike me.
Collected? Maybe.
But I can tell from the way he’s looking at me that he’s not.
It’s just his body that’s still, but his eyes … they’re burning with a fire that’s not easily quenched.
But why?
Why is this man watching me the way he is?
And how long has he been here?
He’s obviously not trying to escape, which begs the question if he’s ever tried. With that kind of physique, you’d be crazy not to. If he has, then there’s no hope of me ever getting out. If he can’t break through, then neither can I.
So am I doomed to stay here forever? Or until Graham decides he’s going to pity me?
I sigh. There’s got to be more to this. Some sort of sad story I can use to my advantage to get him to let me go.
But this man right next to me … I feel like he’s part of it all. Like there’s a reason I’m here. Why he’s here, right next to me.
I wonder if we’re part of some kind of big plan Graham has in store for us.
I shiver at the thought.
To distract myself, I gaze around the room again as I’ve already done so many times before. It makes me feel sick to my stomach. But I’m not about to give up the much-needed food.
Instead, my eyes find their way back to the only thing that relaxes me whenever I look at it.
That man … I don’t know what it is, but something about the way he watches over me makes me feel less alone. Less like I’m about to collapse and cry.
But it’s damn scary too.
It’s the middle of the night. I only know because a clock hangs on the far end of the wall near the lamp that’s still on.
I can’t close my eyes, though. His eyes are on me like a hawk.
We should be sleeping, but instead, we’re staring at each other.
Like I could ever sleep when a mountain-sized muscle man is eyeing me from the corner.
Suddenly, his lips quirk up into a smile, catching me off guard.
“Sleep.” There’s that rough voice again, the one that sizzles with power with every spoken letter.
I don’t know why I feel like his commands make me wanna do exactly what he says.
Like he’s saying, “It’s safe; I’ll be here, watching over you.” But that wouldn’t make any sense because I don’t know him.
Then again, he is a prisoner in this place … just like I am.
We’re both in this together, so I guess I should trust him.
Still, I’d sleep a lot better knowing his demanding stare wasn’t penetrating my back.
I shake my head and point at him.
He frowns and tilts his head up. “Why not?”
I point at him again.
He leans up on his elbows, his abs bulging like mad. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t completely zoom in on them. He’s quite handsome—like one of those models from a magazine—but much bigger, and he looks so strong.
However, his well-trained body is a distraction I don’t need right now.
I need sleep, desperately. I don’t intend to collapse; I have to avoid it at all cost. Especially when Graham’s near … when he could come in at any moment.
Still, this man on the other end of the glass is staring at me, and it makes me wanna shout.