Page 3 of Wrath of the Reapers
“You think you’re funny?” He snaps, practically snarling the word at me, as if doing so will somehow scare me into answering him.
I can’t help but laugh as I lick at my cracked lips.Actually, yeah.I think I’m pretty hilarious. All things considered.
He cocks his head at me, like he’s actually expecting an explanation, and my laughter only grows.What part of I’m not fucking cooperating are you not getting?
I feel the sting of my lips splitting, but I can’t stop. It’s just so fucking ridiculous.Look at me.I’m bruised and beaten. Covered in a mixture of dried blood and my own filth because I’m refusing to comply with their demands. What the hell makes him think that this interaction is going to be any different?
Without warning, his fist strikes out, smashing into the side of my face with enough force to break skin. My head painfully jerks to the side and a familiar burn ignites across my cheek as the fresh taste of copper fills my mouth.
He continues his assault on me, like a rabid fucking animal, and I wish I could say I’m surprised at how hard he’s hitting me, but I’m not. After spending so much time in this place, I’ve learned there’s nothing Dimitri’s men love more than making me bleed.
I know I should stop this. I should just give in and avoid all of this pain. But I can’t let Dimitri win.I won’t.
After a while, his blows lull to a stop and he backs away to assess the damage. “My, my, my…” He says, smiling down at me. “That looks like it hurts.”
I can’t see the damage he inflicted but I can feel it. The left side of my face is throbbing and I can already feel my eye swelling shut, but it’s my head that I’m really worried about.
The torture sessions with him are always bad, but they never leaving me feeling like this. I must’ve really pissed him off this time and if I don’t do something to stop him, he’s going to kill me. Intentionally or not.
I release a whimper and force myself to start crying, doing what I can to attract his attention. It’s calculated, but it’s the first sign of defeat any of them have seen since the torture sessions started. Instead of being suspicious, like he should be, he looks at me and his face is practically beaming with delight.
“Are you finally ready to agree?” He asks, cutting right to the chase. “We’re just getting started, but it doesn’t look like you can handle much more.”
I give him a small nod and keep my head low, playing up my defeat to the fullest.
He immediately jumps into action. He whips his phone out and when I see him dial a number and press the phone to his ear, a hint of a smile plays on my lips.Good boy.
He mumbles out a few Russian words I don’t understand as he paces back and forth. And just as quickly as he started the call, he ends it.
For a while it’s just the two of us, and even though my head is down, I can still feel his eyes on me. Studying me, like he’s still not quite sure if he believes me. It’s too late for him to change his mind. The call’s already been made.
A few moments later, the door slides open and another person enters the room. They don’t say anything as they take their position behind me, but their notable silence tells me everything I need to know.It’s Dimitri.
Dimitri and his men have been trying to break me for days. Rotating shifts every few hours to torture me, feed me, and escort me to bathroom in that order. Ironically enough, Dimitri only shows up to feed me, so the fact that he’s here now means my shitty acting actually worked.
“Speak.” The Zombie says, his voice laced with pride. “We don’t have all day.”
I slowly nod my head and gesture for The Zombie to come closer. Like the coward he is; he looks to Dimitri for permission before making a move. It’s hard not to laugh at the irony. He wants permission to approach me, but beating the shit out of me without so much as a warning is a-okay.
Dimitri gives him a firm nod and, like the perfect little lap dog he is, The Zombie eagerly approaches. As I watch him move towards me, I can almost see his thoughts written all over his face. He thinks he’s won. That all of his violence has finally forced me to comply, and damn, does it make me giddy just thinking about how wrong he is.Enjoy this moment of bliss, you stupid fuck.
As soon as he’s perched beside me, I make a move to speak. I can even feel the phantom words dance on the tip of my tongue, but instead of uttering the words of agreement both of them are desperately wanting to hear, I gather all the blood in my mouth and spray it, splattering bloody saliva all over the side of his face.
I watch with wild amusement as he implodes. His entire body vibrates with the need to hurt me and it’s obvious he’s seconds away from losing it.
I laugh, because I can’t help it, and the sound of my laughter only seems to fuel his rage. His head snaps up and the look on his face is the most sub-human thing I’ve ever seen. He wants to kill me, I can see it in his eyes and fuck, it feels good to know I’m the one who’s pushed him there.
Looks like I broke you first, asshole.
Within seconds, Dimitri is between us, acting as a human shield as he shoves his rabid henchman away. To anyone else, his actions would look heroic, like a small part of him cares and wants to protect me. But that’s just another one of his illusions. I’ve spent too much time in this place to mistake his interference as anything other than an act of self-preservation.
“I’m sorry to waste your time, boss.” The Zombie huffs, speaking to Dimitri as he continues to glare daggers at me. “I thought I had her.”
Dimitri shakes his head slowly before palming the man’s blood-splattered face in his hands. “You did good, Ivan.” He assures, releasing his hold as he leads him towards the exit. “This one just needs a little more convincing than most. But she’ll break. Eventually, they all do.”
I narrow my eyes at him, but say nothing as I watch his henchman quietly exit the room.
The door closes, and part of me knows I should feel better. The Zombie was on the verge of killing me, and I should be relieved that he’s gone. But when I look at Dimitri and see the strange gleam in his icy blue eyes, I know the real torture is only beginning. I’m not sure what he’s planning, but one thing’s for sure…this is going to be a long fucking night.