Page 11 of My Curvy Puck
My chest bounces and I’m panting hard. I spend most of my life working out, but the nerves building inside of my body are making me feel ten times heavier than normal.
And then I see it.
The bright lights ofVancouver Innshine like an oasis in the middle of a desert. The deep crevasses of boots in the snow lead right up to the reception and I race ahead, my head thumping.
I burst through the front door, ignoring the glowing gaze the bellboy looks across at me with. I’ve already promised one fan something I might not be able to follow through with, I can’t make another one.
The bright lights of the reception desk shine in my eyes. I squint, the glare a stark difference to the darkened streets of midnight in Vancouver.
“What do you mean there’s no booking? I have the confirmation right here!” A sweet voice rings through the air and my heart gives a leap inside my chest. “Look! It’s right here.Hazel Harris. Two nights.”
“I’m sorry, Miss. It’s not in our system.” A deeper voice replies.
I step forward, culling my pace to a slow walk.
“Well can you just find me a different room then please? It’s late and I just want to go to sleep…” I see Hazel from behind. She’s leaning on the counter, bent over so her backside is protruding invitingly. I stare for a moment, feeling a twitch in my pants before it’s cut short by the man behind the desk.
“Like I said, there aren’t any rooms left.” His tone has changed, and when he looks from his computer screen, he looks down at Hazel in a way that has my fists clenching. “What part of ‘no rooms left’ don’t you understand?”
My nostrils flare and I race up behind Hazel, slamming my clenched fist on the counter.
“Good evening.” I feel my lip twitch as I spit the words out at the receptionist. He shrinks down under my presence. I can see he’s recognized who I am by the way he’s looking at me. I don’t look at Hazel, but there’s a burning on the side of my face that tells me she’s staring up at me. “My friend here has booking that you need to honour…”
Hazel shifts on her feet and her scent has a calming effect on me. My cheeks are still burning hot, but having her by my side again soothes the adrenaline ripping through my body.
“Um… Uh… Sir?” The man stutters, avoiding my eyes. He’s a fully grown man, but standing across from me, shrinking to the floor like he is, he looks like a little boy, wishing for his mommy to come and save him. “We don’t-”
“The emergency room. She’ll take it.” I demand.
“E-e-emergency r-room, sir?”
“Yes. She’ll take it.”
The man looks over my shoulder to where the security is standing. He gives them a wide-eyed look and then nods.
I’ve been on the road and stayed in enough hotels to know that no hotel is ever ‘fully booked’. In case of emergency, there’s always a spare room. And as far as I’m concerned, as Hazel stands beside me, her eyes tired and her legs struggling to support her tired body, this is the biggest emergency I’ve ever fucking seen.
There’s a tapping on the keyboard behind the desk, and after a few silent minutes, the man pulls a set of keys that look almost brand new from a drawer and slides them across the counter.
“Level sixteen. Room one.”
I smile and grab the keys. As we turn, Hazel reaches down to a case that I hadn’t even noticed was beside her when I stormed in. Rage had skewed my vision, tunnelling it so I could only focus on the prick who was speaking down to my girl.
My girl? My girl?
“No,” I grunt, frowning at the gorgeous girl before me as her hand clasps around the handle of her suitcase. “Leave that. Please… allow me.”
Hazel smiles up at me, and an odd flicker in her eyes tells me that she’s surprised to see me. We move towards the elevators, walking in silence while her boots clop across the glossy tiles. I smile to myself, a warm feeling in my tummy making me feel fuzzy inside as I see the burgundy boots that led me back to her.