Page 127 of Queen of Love
Chapter 37
IfGenevievecouldbottle one feeling to relive for the rest of her life, it would be the satisfying thump her body made when she landed on Aya’s bed.
Or maybe she’d pick the exhilarating sensation of Aya looming over her, a kiss always on the brink of bringing exuberance to Genevieve’s shuddering body.
No. I choose this. The woman effortlessly entangling with her. That was the feeling that would forever touch Genevieve’s heart and ring her memory’s bell when she was old, feeble, and slipping away from her mortal coil.
For now, she was none of those things. She was living the moment she would never forget.
Aya didn’t give her room to speak. When the kisses weren’t hard and heavy, the thrusts were. When Aya’s hips firmly established purchase between Genevieve’s legs, it was with the understanding that there was no turning back. This was it. The first time they’d make passionate love since asserting their love for one another.
We’re different people from now on. Genevieve clutched the plaid shirt covering Aya’s torso, willing it to fall away so she could touch the skin beneath. We’re a different couple. Aya claimed she couldn’t say this was forever because she was mortal and fallible. Genevieve knew better. For the first time in much too long, she allowed herself to believe.
This was the woman she’d spend the rest of her life with. Even when they were physically apart, their hearts would always be tied together. There would be no worries the love had faded. For every second that passed with them in different countries, there would be two more of them together. Hopefully, like this.
Aya’s finger hooked into the loop hanging from Genevieve’s throat. As Genevieve’s head was brought off the pillow, her hair unraveled. I’m unraveling. Soon, Aya would see everything there was to know about the woman named Genevieve Liu.
“I’ll make you mine.” Aya said that in Japanese. Genevieve would consider it a miracle that she understood it with her head in the state it was, but there was a reason she had practiced so much. Business? Sure. Love and passion? An absolute necessity for a polyglot like her. “I can’t keep you in my bed forever, but when you leave it…” She switched to English, probably to drive the point home. “You’ll leave a piece of yourself behind, and I’ll always have it. Because it’s mine, now.” Her grip on the hook tightened. Genevieve closed her eyes and steadied her breathing. Between her adrenaline exploding and her thighs trembling around Aya’s hips, she thought she might die. I’ll become a real angel before your eyes, Ms. Aya. “Do you understand?”
Genevieve slowly opened her eyes again. As her lips parted, she half-expected another kiss to silence her affirmation. “Yes.”
She was released back down onto the bed, her head landing between both of Aya’s pillows. “Good. I’ve got some work to do.”
Genevieve was whisked away to another plane of reality where time stopped and she wasn’t beholden to the rules of the universe. Everything she felt was stronger than ever, from the removal of her shirt to the unzipping of her jeans. The denim was barely down her thighs before Aya’s fingers were in there, touching Genevieve in ways she couldn’t have imagined the first time they made love in a different Tokyo bedroom.
I’m leaving a piece of myself behind. As the first true sensations of sex rippled through Genevieve, she kept that in mind. Make it a good piece.
Her whimpers of acquiescence only made Aya more ravenous. Before Genevieve could figure out how to unhook her own bra, Aya was so deep inside of her that any other movement was hopeless. Genevieve’s destiny was to lie on the bed, her legs spread wide and her personal prison penetrated by the prince she had begged the universe to send her.
“Remember Paradise?” Aya asked her through unrelenting movements. “I told you this was all mine. Do you still believe me?”
Another finger was introduced to Genevieve’s body. As she sucked in her breath and contained the moan about to destroy her decorum, Aya said, “Then say it.”
Genevieve didn’t step off her plane expecting to relive the night of infamy. Yet wasn’t that what she needed? To reclaim the night that almost destroyed what reputation she had left?
“It’s yours. It’s all yours.”
“I can do whatever I want to it.”
“Yes. Take it. It’s yours.”
Perhaps Aya saw that as a challenge. Or maybe she pulled away from Genevieve to give her a reprieve again. Except I’m so lonely now. She lay on her back in the hopes Aya would come to her again. I need her. Someone who had given her so much love shouldn’t abandon her like that. Not even if it was to take off her own clothes and to reach into the nearest drawer.
Genevieve had been tied up before. In the hands of a master, I soar. Yet those weren’t ropes or scarves landing between Genevieve’s legs. Those were handcuffs.
She didn’t protest as her wrists were cuffed behind her back. Nor did she ask for mercy as the rest of her clothing was yanked off and tossed to the floor. As her legs were pulled apart once again, she briefly thought Aya didn’t need more training. So much of it was coming to her naturally now she was given reign to do with Genevieve as she lovingly pleased.
Like getting between her legs and letting her tongue do most of the work.
Somehow, Genevieve’s hands cuffed behind her back made it hotter. Maybe it was the forced surrender that did her in. It’s putting all of my trust in her hands. When Genevieve finally allowed herself to lie back and drink in the moment, she was more receptive to the desires that flared between them. She didn’t merely climax: she lifted her hips and cried out in ecstasy. Since she couldn’t touch Aya’s head, her feet traversed the length of that soft and curving back that shuddered from their mutual movements. When Genevieve could no longer keep her legs apart through yet another orgasm, Aya grabbed her wandering thighs and refused to let them go until she was done.
If her goal was to put Genevieve into that generous fugue state, then it worked. She was so relaxed and open to her girlfriend’s plans that she didn’t bat her eyes at the strap-on she had been obsessed with only a month ago. If anything, watching Aya put it on with that determined look on her face only made Genevieve needier. Her toes tickled the air as her hips beguiled Aya closer. Watching her stroke the strap-on as she lined it up to her girlfriend’s body was one of the most mind-blowing things Genevieve had ever seen during sex. It almost made her scream in preemptive orgasm.
She is so amazing. From the extension of Aya’s lovemaking soul slamming into Genevieve to the teeth grazing her skin and the lips sucking her nipples, nothing took her to a higher place than knowing that this was now hers. Genevieve had been granted clemency for her lifelong struggle of knowing the difference between love and lust. She didn’t need to chase anymore; she didn’t need to pray that she would find someone. It had happened. It was here.
The woman she had finally found now grabbed the hook of Genevieve’s collar and yanked her head up.