Page 35 of Queen of Love
“What, that you like yourself some masculine women? Nah.”
“What does that make you?”
“I am an ephemeral enigma,” Nyla said, imitating some of the snotty women who often came through the club. “Anyway, got a picture? As your Taiwanese friend, it’s my job to give you the business about anyone you want to date.”
“You think I can’t get that in Singapore? It’s basically the national pastime.”
“You don’t have your mom or aunties to complain about who you’re dating, so I’m happily taking that spot.”
“I don’t have a picture.” Genevieve pulled her phone out of her purse. While there were no new messages from Aya, she still had the older ones. She scrolled until she found Aya’s good-night message from the night before. “Here. This is what I’m dating.”
Nyla took Genevieve’s phone and, with both elbows on the bartop, enlarged the text. “This is in English!”
“She doesn’t speak Mandarin. Besides, I thought you were making your wife teach you English.”
“She’s not my wife.” Nyla stared at one of the lines before her. “Okay, I can make out a couple of things. Pretty sure this is sexual. Did you send her a nude? You have to keep her interest. Especially with long-distance, cross-cultural… stuff.”
Genevieve was scandalized at the thought of talking about sending nudes while at work. “I wouldn’t have given you my phone if I thought you’d see some nudes in there.”
The phone slid toward Genevieve. “You’ve gotta send her a nude. That way she can show all of Japan how Singaporean girls get freaky.”
“She could also just tell them. We’ve got a few stories now.”
“Aiya, you’re a real slut sometimes, Genny.”
Genevieve gasped at her employee. Right now, that’s what she is! Calling the boss a slut! “You watch your mouth. I could fire you, you know.”
“But you won’t. Because you need me to be at this bar so you can show up two hours before opening and get the business from me.”
“I’m not a slut! I don’t know what makes you say that. Wouldn’t sending a nude be slutty? Also, haven’t you heard of slut-shaming? Don’t slut me. I mean… don’t shame me!”
Nyla almost doubled-over in laughter as Genevieve weaved her way into more trouble. “I hope it works out for you.”
“What does that mean? First you call me a slut, then…”
“Genny.” Nyla drummed her fingers against the bartop to get Genevieve’s attention. “I thought you interpreted that as a compliment now.”
Although Genevieve furrowed her brows at Nyla, she had to admit defeat. “All right. I got excited. I like this woman, though. We get along really well. We’re also having fun. But she’s a nobody, so I have to keep it on the DL.”
“Good thing you like nobodies. I wouldn’t have this job if you only cared about somebodies.” Nyla grunted when she glanced in the direction of the stripper pole. “Like Wendy Ahn. She has a reservation tonight.”
“So I’ve heard. I’ve gotta make myself scarce before she shows up and I have to put on airs for her.”
“Know how I know? Because Terry was invited to the party. She tries to avoid the club when I’m working, but I think she might go. She’s been kissing Wendy’s ass lately. Don’t know why. Not like Wendy can give a formal recommendation to the immigration department. That’s what women like Cindy Ling are for.”
“If Terry’s coming, I really need to make myself scarce.”
“Please, she doesn’t remember that awkward night when you threw herself at her and she turned you down because she was fucking me instead.”
“I did not ‘throw’ myself at her. Please. If you’re going to slander me, at least do it correctly. I… you know… flirted with her. Then walked in on you two doing it in the back room.”
Nyla grinned at her boss. “You sure did. What a wild night that was.”
“You laugh now, but…”
“Now you’re dating some Japanese lady, so none of that matters now.” Nyla made a shooing motion toward Genevieve. The only person in this whole building who would dare. “Go back to your place, send her a nude, make her fall even more in love with you, and don’t fuck it up, Genny.”
Genevieve scoffed. “I can’t count how many times you’ve insulted me since I got here. If you were still my girlfriend, I’d bend you over my knee and spank you.”