Page 25 of Three Grumpy Bosses
I gave him a thumbs up and looked back at Millie. “I’m meeting with him at eight.”
“Great,” she enthused. “Then you can stay for dinner.”
Warren came home, and he brought Caleb with him. The four of us sat down for a nice family meal that consisted of grilled chicken and vegetables. I watched as Millie and two of her boyfriends shared the chores. They all cooked together, and when we were finished eating, they all cleaned up.
They wouldn’t let me help, telling me that I was a guest. She just looked so happy, surrounded by people who really cared about her. I wanted something like that in my life. The guys were interested in my predicament and had some of the same advice to give.
“You should give them a chance,” Warren said when the dishes were done, and we were seated on the back porch. “I wouldn’t have thought I would be happy sharing a life with Caleb, but now I couldn’t imagine it any other way.”
“They might not even know that’s an option,” Caleb advised.
I appreciated all their support. At quarter of eight, I stood up to go, making the rounds with hugs for everyone. I let myself out, knowing that they were probably going to have a private party as soon as I was gone.Good for Millie, I thought. Getting into my car, I eased away from Warren’s home. Was it even possible for me to consider the kind of happily ever after that Millie and her guys shared? I didn’t know, and it was too scary to even contemplate.
What if I told Damien and he was angry? I knew I had to find the courage to be honest, but it was hard. I had real feelings for Sean that I couldn’t deny. If Damien pressed me to shut down all avenues of communication between me and his partners, I wasn’t sure if I could.
I found Damien’s car in his driveway and knew it was game time. This was it, the moment of truth. I walked up to the front door and knocked. He answered, still in his work clothes.
“When did you get home?” I asked, deciding that a little small talk would help take the edge off.
“Just now.”
“Long night?” I guessed.
“You know how it is,” he said.
“The drawbacks of being a partner,” I mused.
“Something like that.” He took hold of my wrist and pulled me close. Kissing me firmly, he dispelled any doubts I had about his feelings toward me. I hoped that the news I was about to share wouldn’t put a damper on his passion.
“I have to tell you something,” I whispered when he released me.
“Come in,” he ordered. “Have something to drink.”
I gratefully accepted another wine glass from him and sipped to build up my courage. Dinner had mellowed the effects from the last glass, and I could still think clearly. I wanted this to go well, but I didn’t know how to begin. Finally, with no other course of action, I just blurted out the truth.
“I kissed Sean. Today in the office.”
“I know,” he said. “Sean told me.”
I felt relief wash through me. It cascaded from just behind my eyes all the way down to my knees. Here I had been so worked up about how to confess, and Sean beat me to it. He really was Damien’s friend.
After a hot moment, I found my voice. “So, what do you think?”
“It’s fine,” he said, amused. “I’m touched that you were so worried.”
“But I enjoyed it,” I replied, astounded that he cared so little.
“That’s good.” He kissed me again. “I have something else that you might enjoy.”
I felt my motor rising, the thought of climbing into bed with my boss more than a little exciting. If it didn’t bother him that I kissed his best friend, what else might be on the table? I’d come just a little bit closer to the level of affection and attention that Millie enjoyed, and the prospect was electric.
“Okay,” I whispered, giving him full permission to take me upstairs.
“I just have one request,” he hesitated, removing the wine glass from my hand and placing it on the table.
I licked my lips in anticipation. What new adventure did he have planned for us that evening?
“I want you to spend the night,” he finished hopefully.
I gazed up into his eyes and heard myself saying, “Okay.” What was one night when he had opened up a world of possibilities? Every time we were together, he asked me the same question. It only seemed fair to meet him halfway.