Page 40 of Three Grumpy Bosses
I was innocently enjoying a beer and a football game when the phone call came through. I picked it up without even thinking. “Hey, bro.”
“Are you sitting down?” Damien began.
“Yes?” I said, turning the word up to make it more of a question. What the hell kind of opening was that? It seemed like he had big news. Maybe a new client or a multi-million dollar deal had gone through. From the tone of Damien’s voice, though, I could tell it was neither of those two things.
He sounded breathless almost, as if he had just come in from a jog. Either that or he had just won the lottery and was calling to brag. I was all in to hear what he had to say, but the moment he laid it all out, I was shocked.
“Meara’s here,” Damien continued. “She’s upstairs.”
“Good for you.” I frowned. That wasn’t exactly the news I’d hoped for. I knew that Damien and Meara were seeing each other. I even knew that she’d spent the night several nights ago. It was important to my friend, so I had listened with a modest amount of interest. There was some jealousy but not a lot. I liked both of them, and I was glad they were happy together. I didn’t see what it had to do with me, though.
“We talked, and there’s something we’d like to try out, if you’re interested.”
“IfI’minterested?” I repeated. Again, I didn’t see the connection. How could their relationship possibly involve me?
“Yeah.” Damien cleared his throat. “Meara is interested in trying a polyam thing.”
I blinked. The news was slowly dawning on me, yet I was having a hard time digesting it. Polyam was when there were more than two people involved in a romantic relationship. It was what Vlad had going on with his girlfriend, and to be honest, I was a little bit jealous of him as well.
I wasn’t ashamed to say I had experimented with men. In college, I’d fooled around with my roommate one night when we were both drunk. It didn’t really mean anything, and I didn’t attach any labels to it. Still, I knew it made me a bit more open-minded. Damien was attractive, and he was a good friend. I wasn’t interested in him that way, necessarily, but if he wanted to, then I might let him convince me.
“What are you talking about?” I demanded. I needed to hear the details before making any kind of decision.
Damien took a deep breath before continuing. “Meara and I would like to invite you to join us sometime.”
“Wow.” I chuckled.
I had to put the phone down for a moment to appreciate the gravity of the situation. It was like a dream come true. It was the perfect solution to our Meara problem. We wouldn’t have to fight over her; we could both share. I was treated to a barrage of enticing visions: Meara going down on Damien while I pumped into her from behind, getting sucked off while my friend watched. I was all in from the moment he laid it out.
“Tonight?” I asked.
“Not tonight,” Damien cautioned. “There are some things we have to talk about.”
“Fuck talking bro,” I laughed. “I’m ready. I can be there in twenty.”
“Cool it,” he said. “We’re not talking about just a threesome.”
“What are we talking about then?” I asked.
“She wants to involve Kent too.”
“Kent?” I stammered. Why did Kent have to be a part of it? I liked him fine. He seemed like a decent guy, and we got along okay, but he definitely wasn’t a part of my fantasy. “I thought she didn’t like him.”
“Apparently the kiss got her thinking,” Damien relayed.
I groaned.
“I feel the same way,” Damien said. “But what can I do?”
“You could say no.”
“I already offered.”