Page 2 of Falcon’s Rise
Fuck, but she was beautiful. How could a woman that was in a t-shirt and cut-off jean shorts rock my world like she was? The woman didn’t have on any makeup from what I could see either. All that natural beauty, goddamn. If she were mine, I’d throw out every piece of make-up that she owned.
She was of mixed race. Of that, I was sure because that had always been my kryptonite. Every woman was beautiful, but hand me a light mocha-skinned woman? One that was confident, sassy, fiery, sweet, innocent? She wouldn’t be getting away from me.
Her long black hair hung in waves down her back while her bangs framed her face off to the side. Her body… fucking hourglass.
The moment I moved my gaze back up to her face and saw her eyes, I was struck speechless. I’ve never seen eyes that color. They were crystal blue, almost the color of blue cornflowers. One could drown in eyes like that.
Hell, men fought wars over eyes like that. And I was no fucking different.
Immediately, my eyes zeroed in on her left hand, and I smiled inwardly. No fucking wedding ring. Shit just got real. Fast.
Realizing I was staring at her like some stage five clinger turned stalker and hadn’t answered her, I shook my head and said, “Just an old bike that someone didn’t care for properly. Project bike.”
“Is the bolt rusted out?” That voice. It went straight to my dick. Fuck me, I would have to take a cold as fuck shower.
As I said, I never stuck my dick in club pussy. Something about it made my skin crawl. And since there was a party tonight and outsiders weren’t welcome, a cold shower it was.
“Seems like it, yeah.” Thankfully, I was able to adjust my dick because the bike blocked it.
I saw her bring her finger to her bow lips… fuck me running. She tapped her bottom lip. “Have you tried hydrogen peroxide?”
Sitting there, wanting nothing more than to walk over to her and slam my mouth down on hers, I shook my head yet again, realizing that I had yet to answer her. “No. How do you know it can get a rusted bolt loose?”
“Done a few DIY projects in my house.” She shrugged.
That was when I noticed the paint smears on her t-shirt. “You like to paint yourself? Huh?”
She laughed then, and I have never heard anything as melodic as that. “Actually, my daughter thought it would be funny to flick her paintbrush at me when we were painting her room. And speaking of the devil,” she turned her head and looked over her shoulder, “Were your ears ringing?”
“Yep.” It was fucking cute when the little girl she was speaking of came into view and popped the ‘p’.
“Mom, I did it!” I watched in fascination as the little girl ran up to the woman and handed her a Rubik’s cube that was complete.
Now that was impressive. “Damn.” I chuckled. “That’s awesome.”
The moment the little girl turned her eyes to me that were so much like her mother’s, I felt something in my heart flick to life. What. The. Fuck?
“Hi, what are you doing?” She asked in a singsong voice.
“I’m about to get some hydrogen peroxide like your Mama suggested, and try to get this bolt loose.”
The little girl nodded and beamed up at her mom. “My mom is always right; she won’t steer you wrong.”
That was when the woman looked down at her watch and sighed, “Come on baby, time for your bath and dinner.”
“Okay.” And with that, I watched the little black-haired beauty toss a wave my way, which I returned with a chin lift, then ran into the house.
The moment she was gone, and why I did this, I didn’t know, but I wanted her to know, “Name’s Gage.”
She stared at me for just a few seconds, nodded, and said, “Conleigh, and that was Collins.” She said as she turned around and headed back into her house.
Sitting there like a dumbass, staring at her now closed door, I said, “Conleigh”, ever so softly loving the way the sound of her name rolled off my tongue.
Damn, what would it sound like for her to say my name while I pounded inside of her? Watch her eyes glaze over. Would her cheeks be flushed when she came? What sounds would she make when I discovered that part inside of her that caused her to come to life?
Just meeting her. I knew she would be a fucking wildcat in bed.
Fuck me. Just got her name, met her daughter, and I’m already hard at thinking about Conleigh beneath me. Gage fucking Marshall. You are an idiot.