Page 38 of Falcon’s Rise
“Uh, huh. Sure, you don’t.” I teased back.
Smiling at them, I shook my head.
“Knock, knock.” A woman in a black pantsuit with a pink button shirt said as she stepped into the room.
She surveyed the room. Her eyes landed on Collins, and she gave her a smile, then she moved her eyes to Gage, and what I saw? Well, I wanted to bitch slap the woman, even though Gage wasn’t returning her heated look, but still.
That was when she looked at me then. Her eyes flashed as she took in my narrowed eyes. She smiled then and nodded her head to the side. “I’m looking for Conleigh and Collins Winter?”
“That’s us,” I said as I stood up and offered her my hand to shake. And I may or may not have squeezed her hand a little too hard.
“It’s very nice to meet you, Conleigh. My name is Shawna, and I am the coordinator for the local Make-A-Wish Foundation.”
Collins spoke up then, “Will I be doing the whole make a wish thing?”
Shawna nodded and smiled with a cheery attitude as she said, “Yes, you will. In fact, that’s why I’m here.”
“I know what I want.”
“Okay, well, that’s a first. Normally, we lay out what we can offer and allow them the option of choosing. So, what would you like to wish for?” Shawna asked as she flipped open a pad and grabbed a pen.
Smiling, Collins bit her lip. She had talked to me about this, and I told her it was totally up to her. However, Gage doesn’t know what she wants to wish for.
Winking at her, I nodded, encouraging her. She took a deep breath and then said, “I want to attend a real biker party and I want Gage to sing to me.”
The Make-A-Wish coordinator looked baffled at my daughter. And Gage? Well, Gage looked like a kid at Christmas.
“That’s what you want? You don’t want to go to Disney World? You don’t want to attend a major event?”
“No. I’m a simple girl, just like my mommy. That’s what I want.”
“Okay, I’ve never organized anything like this but…”
“You don’t need to organize a thing. We’ve got this. I’ll place a call to my Pres.” And that was just what Gage did.
That was the moment that Shawna allowed her eyes to fall back to Gage and not once did I see anything in her eyes for him. Good.
Sitting this close to him, I was able to hear the entire conversation.
“Yeah?” Powers asked.
He wasn’t in our room or Skinner’s room while we waited. He was coming later, though. As for a few of his brothers, Cam, Zeke, and Savage, they were floating between our room and Skinner’s while we waited. Greek, Lincoln, Heathen, and Clutch were at the clubhouse helping Powers with something, though I wasn’t privy to that information.
“You’ll never guess what Collins wants for her Make-A-Wish thing.”
I heard him chuckle when he asked, “A trip to Disney World?”
“Nope. She wants to attend a real biker party and for me to sing to her.”
There was silence on the other end of the line. “Are you fucking shitting me?”
“No Pres, I sure as fuck am not.” I didn’t bother to get into him for his language around Collins. Normally, he wouldn’t cuss in front of her. But being that today was a good day, I let it slide.
“Well, in that case. I’ll get with Lil and have shit organized. Tell Lil her favorite things and we will make it fucking happen. Damn.”
“Yeah, will do. Later.”
The moment he hung up the phone, he looked over at Collins and winked. “You got your wish, darlin’.