Page 139 of Unbroken
They’d talked about this moment extensively.
How to pleasure Skye.
What would make her feel good.
Who would taste her pussy first.
Who got to have her mouth on their cock first.
Who got to fuck her first.
They’d been meticulous about it, and yet…As Hunter stood there, looking her over, watching Leo envelope her body as she pinned Hunter with her intense stare—
Hunter hesitated.
He knew he was a fucking fiend. That he would be too rough. That Skye’s first time needed to be gentle. Leo was well endowed, the perfect fucking cock to most women, but Hunter’s cock was bigger, thicker. He’d be punishing to her as her first time, and that wasn’t even taking his nature into consideration.
He would wreck her.He wanted to.He wanted to own her body, have her take every inch of him and still want more. He wanted to fill her up and swallow her pained cries—
Fuck, he wanted it rough and merciless.
No, he couldn’t be the one to fuck her first. It needed to be Leo. He’d been okay with that—he’d ultimately accepted it. But now…He let out a harsh breath as Leo propped her on her side, as his chest pressed against her back, as his fingers stroked her drenched pussy—
And Skye was still staring atHunter.
His body was struck with waves of hot need.
What was she doing staring at him like that? What was she thinking in that moment as she continued to watch him, her gaze trapped on his eyes?
This was so unexpected; it was a new sort of pleasure he felt in his centre. He shook from the pulse of desire it gave him. It made him stop thinking, until he was writhing for that soft mouth around his cock.
Fuck, what would it feel like?
Too long he’d wondered this.
He needed to know.
On his knees, he climbed into the bed and approached her slight frame. He ran his hand through her wet hair, fisting it and forcing her to look up at him as his cock bobbed at her mouth. “Can I have your mouth?” he asked, voice tight. Of course she would give him it, but it wasn’t enough to just take without asking. He needed to see the answer in her eyes, or even on her lips—to feeldeservingof this, he needed her to tell him yes.
And she did. Her eyes brightened as she licked her lips, licked them like she was readying herself. He swallowed back a moan, but already he was tight and fucking aching. She opened her mouth, accepting him. Her tongue brushed along the head of his length—holy fuck, the feeling unwound him completely. What sweet bliss was this? He groaned as a sharp pulse of pleasure cut through him. “Fuck, Skye…”
At the same time, Leo’s face was buried in her neck, sucking feverishly at her skin as he undid his towel and stroked himself, whispering in her ear.
Hunter couldn’t hear what he was saying.
Blood roared in his ears as she took him further into her mouth, her gaze still trapped on him. He sensed her unease, though—saw that she seemed uncertain. “You’re doing great, baby,” he assured her. “You feel so good.” She relaxed, sucking him hard; he saw stars everywhere, fucking bursts of delicious pleasure building and fucking building—
He might come.
Fuck, he might come, and it would be over.
He pulled out of her, taking deep breaths as he tried to recover.
It was her first time—