Page 70 of Hotel O
But then she unlatches her lips from mine, whispering, “We can’t …”
“I know, but I’m doing it anyway,” I whisper.
“But why? You said you didn’t—”
I silence her with another kiss.
It doesn’t make any sense, but it doesn’t have to. I can’t explain to her what I’m feeling right now. I, myself, don’t even know why or how it’s happening. It just is.
Instead of thinking about it, I just do it. I claim her mouth, her tongue, the rim of her lips, and everything between.
Right then, the doorbell rings, but I ignore it, going straight for the kill.
It keeps ringing, though. Someone’s not letting up.
“Fuck,” I growl out loud as her lips unlock from mine once again. “Ignore it,” I say, trying to kiss her again, but she nudges us apart.
“What if it’s important?” she asks, her lips so red and thick I want nothing more than to ravish them.
“I don’t care,” I say, planting my lips firmly onto her lips, drawing a line down to her neck to that spot where she can’t say no to me anymore.
She giggles, biting her lip, clearly struggling to keep it together. Her body says yes, but from the way she’s still pushing me away, I can tell she’s really distracted.
“Can we check?” she asks.
It takes all the effort I can muster to pull myself away from her. I grunt and march to the door in my comfy sweatpants, knowing full well my dick is erect as I open the door. I don’t give a shit.
Except I do the moment I see Flynn standing right there with a suitcase in his hands.
I frown, confused. “What the …?”
“Bellhop said you needed someone to deliver this in a hurry. Emergency or some shit.”
His eyes draw down to my dick, and then he quickly closes them, wincing. “Aw, fuck.”
I’m stunned to the point I don’t even notice that Kat followed right behind me.
And I’m definitely not prepared for the squeal that follows.
“Flynn?!” My eyes widen, and my jaw drops. “What are you doing here?”
“What the fuck, Kat?” Flynn glares at both me and Declan, and it feels like the rug is swooped out from underneath me. “What the hell are you doing here with him?”
How the hell is he even here? And why?
“Oh, boy …” Declan rubs his face with his hand.
“What’s going on?” I ask, raising a brow while I look at them. Then I notice the suitcase in Flynn’s hand. My suitcase.
Shock ripples through me. No fucking way.
“Why does he have my suitcase that I left at the hotel?” I ask.
Declan sighs out loud, and says, “He works for me.”
“What?” My jaw drops. I can’t even … My brain feels like it’s busted. “No way.” I stare at Flynn. “You work for Declan? How? Since when?”
“Since a long time. Doesn’t matter. Why are you here at his condo?” he asks, making a fist.
“Because she’s mine,” Declan says with a smug grin on his face.
I roll my eyes and sigh as Flynn only seems to be getting more furious.
“You’re not helping,” I hiss at Declan.
“So? This is my home,” Declan replies.
“If I’d known this was her suitcase, I wouldn’t ever have come here.” Flynn harshly puts the suitcase inside and focuses his attention on me. “I can’t believe you’re with him. This is the asshole who hurt you!”
“It’s none of your business,” Declan says, stepping forward.
They’re up in each other’s face, breathing like bulls, clearly getting ready for a brawl I’m not prepared for. So I step between them and push them away from each other. “Whoa. Boys. No fighting. Not on my watch.”
“Move, Kat,” Flynn growls, still glaring at Declan as if he’s the devil himself.
“What are you gonna do?” Declan growls back. “Hit me?”
“I’d like to,” Flynn responds.
“No,” I say, keeping them separate. “Flynn … Please, can you not?”
“But he’s been a giant prick to you!” Flynn says. “Tell me I’m wrong.”
I’m trying. Really hard. But I can’t because he’s right. Declan has been an asshole. But that still doesn’t erase the feelings I have for him.
Flynn points at Declan. “I told you to stay the fuck away from her!”
“Stop it, you two!” I shove them so hard, they have to move or they’ll fall. “What’s the matter with you?”
“He’s what’s the matter,” Flynn says.
“Forgetting I’m your boss, dipshit?” Declan replies.
“Stop. Now,” I growl at them both. I don’t have time for this jealousy shit. And Flynn has been keeping this a secret from me? Even though they knew each other? No wonder he ended the phone call when I told him it was Declan Porter.
“You didn’t even tell me you worked for him,” I say to Flynn, feeling pissed off too now. “You could’ve told me he was your boss.”
“And hurt you even more?” he says. “Fuck no.”
“And you …” I direct my attention toward Declan. “You knew he was my friend, and you still didn’t tell me he worked for you.”