Page 73 of Hotel O
At least I’ll have known just how bad love can be for me.
And maybe learn a thing or two.
He’s not all bad. I mean, the sex is amazing, and he did take me home when I was too tired to even walk. And he was so sweet when he made those pancakes for me, and that kiss …
God, I could just about die for another one.
That’s it.
I get up from my chair, pack my stuff, and walk to the door.
I’m going to him. I don’t care if it’s the middle of the day or that I still have work to do. I’ll catch up when I get home tonight. Hell, I’ll work all through the night if I have to just to get this shit done.
But I am going to see Declan, we are going to talk about this and what it means, and then we’re going to have banging hot sex.
End of discussion.
A few days later, I’m having the talk.
Not the talk I was hoping for. The bad one.
The one where your boss basically tells you it’s do or die at this point.
“I’ve heard some complaints with the past two events, Declan,” my boss says as he struts around his office.
“I know, and it won’t happen again, I promise.” I’m trying to remain calm even though I want to scream right now.
Fuck. I wish I hadn’t pulled her into the events. That I could erase all of it so my job would still be secure and I’d be able take the bad memories away for her too.
But that’s not how life works. I made a mistake, and now I have to live with the consequences.
“How will I know for sure?” he asks. “I hired you because you were the best at what you did.”
“I am, sir. Please give me a chance to redeem myself.”
He scratches his chin. “Multiple co-workers have expressed that they felt uncomfortable with the way you handled a particular girl …”
“She’s out of the picture,” I say.
It’s not entirely true, but I know I won’t take her to these events again. Not just because my job is on the line now, but also because I couldn’t stand to watch her with other men when I wasn’t there to enjoy her too. I get jealous around her. A lot. And it says something.
“Right. If you say so,” he says, interrupting my train of thought.
I know I fucked up a few times at these past few events, but don’t the other successful events outweigh that?
“None of the guests were unhappy, sir.” I say. “Doesn’t that count?”
“True, true …” he mumbles, gazing straight at me. “But I have a business to run. I can’t have these things happening at this hotel.”
“I understand, sir. It was a hundred percent my fault, and I take full responsibility.”
“Good,” he says, his voice as stern as the look in his eyes. “Because I should be looking for a different event coordinator if this keeps happening.”
Two tiny mistakes at an event and I’m already on the verge of losing the only job I ever wanted.
The job that would lead me to success, and maybe … just maybe … I’d be able to take over the company in the future.
Guess I’m really fucked now.
I arrive at the hotel an hour later. I stopped by my place first to put on something sexy. You know, in case Declan wants to get it on. I wouldn’t mind it myself either, as I’m definitely in for a rematch after how I left his apartment. He wanted to jump my bones back then, and I desperately wanted him to. But Flynn had to show up and ruin the mood.
Oh well, at least he brought me the suitcase. At least the clothes in there allowed me to leave Declan’s apartment with my dignity intact. And I did thank Flynn for it. I just wish he would’ve accepted my choice.
Oh well. Now’s not the time to think about Flynn. I don’t want to worry about it anymore. I’d much rather hang out with Declan and see whether he’s ready to commit.
So I happily march into the hotel and go to the front desk because I already know the bellhop is waiting to stop me if I proceed.
“Declan’s waiting for me,” I tell him before he can even say a word.
“Oh, well, that’s strange. He told me no one could bother him.”
“It’s fine. I’m probably the reason.” I wink.
I don’t really know if that’s true. It probably isn’t, but I’m sure he won’t mind me interrupting a conversation if I bring the goods. And I definitely brought them.
“Sorry,” the bellhop says, laughing awkwardly. “I’m just trying not to upset him. After the last fiasco with me asking a fellow employee to bring the suitcase to his home instead of an actual delivery guy.” He snorts again, then clears his throat. “Sorry, that was too much detail.”