Page 76 of Hotel O
Chapter 30
Ignoring my dad completely, I ring the doorbell until someone finally opens. When Melvin opens the door, I hug him tight and say, “Long time, no see, Mel.”
“Hello, Miss,” he says, chuckling as he hugs me back.
“You’re home early, sir,” Mel says as my dad comes in too.
He nods without saying anything further, so I do on his behalf. “That’s because Dad caught me with my boyfriend at his work.”
“Boyfriend?” Dad frowns.
“I’ll call him whatever the hell I want,” I say, marching inside.
“I’ll … go make some coffee,” Melvin says, shuffling away like he wants nothing to do with it.
“Did I hear the word boyfriend?” Mom’s voice appears before she does as she sashays into the hallway where Dad and I are still having a staring contest.
“Yes,” I say with a sour face. “And Dad met him today.”
“What?” Mom says with a shrill voice. “Who is it? Why haven’t I met him yet?”
“You’re not gonna,” I interject before my dad can say anything. “Dad told him he could never see me again. Oh, and he also fired him.” With my eyes, I throw lightning bolts at my dad.
Mom’s face immediately turns dark. “He works at your company?”
Dad grunts, his face looking like he just escaped a five-hour traffic jam. “I don’t want to talk about it.”
“I do.” I fold my arms. “Shouldn’t you tell Mom about where you really work?”
It’s about time she knew the truth. It’s been eating away at their relationship for so long … no wonder she was fed up with him.
Mom cocks her head. “What is this about, Fred?”
Dad’s face scrunches up, and he lets out another exasperated sigh.
“She deserves to know, Dad,” I say.
“Deserve to know what?” Mom steps forward. “Fred?”
“The hotel I run isn’t an ordinary hotel.”
“Well, I knew that—”
“There’s more. You just always said you didn’t want to know,” he interrupts.
Mom’s face tightens, but she doesn’t say anything. I guess she truly never did know what his business actually entailed.
“There are certain events organized at our hotel … Guests who are looking for a spicy evening.”
She frowns, clearly confused, so I add, “Sex, Mom. They sell it.”
“What?” she says, completely flabbergasted. “I thought you said you had rich clients?”
“They are. It’s pricey,” I add.
“I don’t understand,” she says, shaking her head. “You let these people have sex at the hotel?”
“Every hotel has guests that have sex,” Dad explains. “But these organized events are specifically meant for that occasion.”
Mom seems shaky, so I quickly grab a chair and set her down.
“It’s all a bit much to take in, isn’t it?” I say to her. “I felt the same when I found out Dad works at that hotel.”
She nods. “I never …” She gazes up at Dad. “Fred, this is so unlike you. A sex hotel?”
“I apologize for not telling you,” Dad says.
“You should have!” Mom yells, clearly upset.
“You have every right to be angry with me,” Dad says.
“Why? Why not just a normal hotel?”
“Because this sells,” he says, scratching the top of his head. “I saw a hole in the market and went for it.”
“But you never told me anything …”
“You never asked, so I assumed you didn’t want to know,” he repeats, shrugging. “Plus, look at what it’s caused.”
“That’s your fault. You kept things secret,” I retort.
Mom gazes up at me. “And you knew about this?”
“I only just found out it’s Dad’s hotel,” I reply.
“My god …” Mom buries her face in her hands. “I can’t believe this.”
I place a hand on her shoulder. “I’m sorry, Mom.”
“Are you a customer there too?” she asks, lifting her eyes. “At that sex hotel?”
“No, I was there because of my … boyfriend. He works there.” I clear my throat as it’s awkward to say it out loud and hard to explain to them what we really have.
“He works there?” Mom says. “So he helps organize these sex events, or does he participate?”
“He organizes them,” I say. “Or at least, he did, before Dad fired him for hanging out with me.”
“Oh,” she mumbles, still shaken from learning all this.
“Do you want some time alone?” I ask, because she looks like she needs it.
“No,” she says sternly. “I’ve had enough time alone. Too much.” She glares at Dad.
“I’m sorry, honey. I don’t know what to say to you except … I’m sorry.” Dad sighs.
“Do you guys want some time alone?” I ask.
Mom nods, so I step away and smile as they continue their conversation. I walk off to the kitchen area where Melvin is pouring coffee into three cups. “Some coffee, Miss?” he asks.
“Oh, yeah …” I mutter as he hands me a cup.
“Rough day?” he asks.
I shake my head. “You don’t even wanna know.”
Melvin goes out to bring some to my parents although I doubt they want anything to drink right now. They’re loudly arguing, and I’m having trouble shutting myself off from it. Still, it’s better than complete and utter silence, which is what they’ve been doing for the past couple of years.