Page 83 of Hotel O
I need to let it simmer, so instead, I’ve made an agreement with Declan that in order to make things right, we need to have a sit-down with Flynn. I don’t want him to be upset about us, and I need Declan and him to get along in order to feel good about this.
So with a cup of strong coffee, I sit down at the table and call Flynn.
“Flynn here,” he says.
“Hey, it’s Kat. Can we talk?” I don’t even know how to talk to him anymore without feeling like things are awkward between us.
“Ahh … right now?” he asks.
“Tonight, if you have time,” I say. “Or any other time, if you want.” A silly chuckle leaves my mouth, and I instantly regret it.
He sighs out loud. “Right … um …”
Please, say yes. Please, say yes. Please, say yes.
“Say yes?” Flynn muses, and my eyes widen.
“Fuck, did I say that out loud?” I mutter.
“Yes, you did.” He laughs again.
I smack myself in the head and immediately slurp up my coffee.
“Well, if you put it like that, how can I not?” he says.
“Yay!” I say, putting my coffee down. “Sorry, was that too exciting?”
“A little,” he says. “But that’s typically you.”
“Overly dramatic girl at your service,” I reply. “So tonight then?”
“Your place?” he says.
“Perfect,” I say, taking another sip of my coffee.
“Okay. See you tonight then. Gotta run.”
He hangs up before I can say anything else. I tuck away the phone and take a deep breath. No going back now. This is it.
“So he’s coming?” Declan asks, raising a brow as he comes out of the kitchen.
“Yup …”
I finish my coffee and place the mug on the table.
With Declan around, I can’t wait for this shit to go down.
Oh, boy. This is gonna be rough.
After we’ve washed the dishes, the doorbell rings, and my pulse immediately skyrockets to infinity. Or at least, that’s what it feels like as I open the door and greet Flynn with a hug.
“So glad you could come.”
He takes off his coat and puts it on the hanger before saying, “Sorry I’m late.”
“It’s fine,” I say. “Don’t sweat it. I’m sure you were busy … sweating it out.” I wink at him and follow it up by a quick jab in the gut.
He smirks, and says, “Well, you seem awfully happy.”
“Sure, why wouldn’t I be?”
He makes a face. “Well, considering how our last conversation went …”
Yep. There it is. “That’s exactly why I wanted to talk,” I say.
Right then, Declan appears in view, and Flynn’s eyes almost immediately shoot lightning bolts at him.
“What a coincidence,” he mumbles, gazing at me. “Was that part of your plan?”
I grab his hand. “Yes, but please, don’t leave.” I smile. “I just want to talk things out.”
“With him around?” He points at Declan. “He’s the whole problem.”
“Not anymore,” I say, licking my lips. “C’mon, let’s sit down.”
He reluctantly follows me to the table where Declan sets down three cups of coffee. Flynn sits down opposite of us, leaning back in his chair like he’s really not feeling it.
“I get that you’re angry, but Declan’s changed.”
“I doubt that,” he says.
“I swear, we’re on better footing now. He’s not an asshole anymore,” I say.
“Well, sometimes,” Declan says with a smug smile. “But not often.”
I roll my eyes. “He’s just trying to be funny.”
“It ain’t working,” Flynn sneers.
“Flynn,” I say, directing my attention toward him. “Declan and I had a rough start, but I really want to be with him.” Declan places his hand on my shoulder, and I smile at him before I continue. “But I don’t want you to be upset either. I value our friendship.”
“But why him? Why not any other guy?”
“Because … it just happened.” I rub my lips together, trying to find support in Declan. I’m so bad at handling these things.
“What she’s trying to say is we found each other. It happened. We can’t do anything about it.”
“But you treated her like shit,” he says.
“I know, and I’m sorry,” Declan replies. “I will do better. I promise. I’ve learned my lesson.”
“Have you? So no side chicks?” he asks. “No more chat room?”
Declan frowns and glances at me, so I say, “I tell Flynn pretty much everything.”
“I’m not interested in other girls,” Declan says resolutely. “The only reason I couldn’t be with her was because of the hotel.”
Flynn frowns. “Did you tell her who runs the show? Huh?” He glances at me now. “That’s what I wanted to tell you on the phone. Why you couldn’t trust him.”
“I know,” I say, grabbing Flynn’s hand. “I’m okay with it. I can handle it.”
His pupils dilate. “But your father—”
“He knows about us,” I interject. “We’re still working through the kinks, but I’m not hiding myself any longer. Not for anyone.” I smile at Declan. “I know what I want.”
Flynn cocks his head, grinding his teeth. “You sure about this?” he asks after a while.