Page 11 of Raging Tempest
Much to Rook’s surprise, Jaycie squeezed Kyele in a sideway hug and grinned up at his stern face. “Papan, you’re being silly.”
Rook glanced at Kjar and Hahn. Both were as shocked as he at the disclosure. Dorian’s expression remained blank. Kyele closed his eyes, sighed heavily then opened them. “Now they know who you are.”
“You preferred they think you would betray maman?” she teased before turning back to them. “It was a pleasure to meet each of you. I thought I’d arrived early enough to spar with my father prior to anyone seeing me sneak in and back out. I’m sorry for interrupting your secret club.”
She eased from her father’s hold, leaned up slightly and kissed his jaw. “I know my way out.”
An awkward silence filled the room until Jaycie reached the door and Kyele called out. “How did you get here without setting off the alarms anyway?”
Their entire facility had top of the line security and measure upon measure of fail safes.
Glancing over her shoulder, she winked and held up a small comms device. “No need to change your protocols. Viktor brought me and will take me back as soon as I comm him I’m ready.”
To Rook, her answer didn’t actually explain how she or this Viktor broke through layers of security at their base, but it must have been good enough for her father.
Once she left, Kyele glared. “No one, absolutelynoone mentions my daughter’s presence here. Ever.”
Everyone gave a succinct chin lift.
“Good. I received orders regarding a new mission. Gear up for an immediate departure then we’ll meet in the conference room to discuss.”
The conference roomheld a large square table and five chairs. Kyele sat at the head when they entered. Rook dropped into his chair and slouched back with his legs extended. The others assumed a similar pose. Meetings tended to be casual but straight to the point so they could ship out right away.
They hadn’t been sent out in a few weeks which was highly unusual. Most days they had enough time to drop bags, swap gear and load up on the way out again.
“Holo on,” Kyele said.
A holo screen appeared at the center of the table and slowly rotated giving each of them a three-dimensional view of the image on display. The male had shaggy shoulder length green braids, dark eyes devoid of emotion and pale green skin.
“This is Jarad Oolun of House Oolun.” Kyele tapped a switch on the data pad he held and a list of stats appeared beside the profile picture. “Not only is he a prominent public figure but Jarad’s also the head of a known crime syndicate with stakes in the black market dealing stimulants and other illegal substances.”
Drugs. Murder. Assault. Thievery. The list went on and on with multiple charges. Rook frowned, trying to understand how their Unit came into play. Everyone had a stake in the drug market since Marenia gave up the darker aspects of their business enterprises.
“Drugs? Isn’t that a bit beneath Ghost Unit’s skill level?” Kjar asked. “If we attempted to track down the key players for every drug ring, we’d spin our heels for years.”
Folding his hands in front of him on the table, Kyele gave Kjar his full attention. The icy contempt in those green eyes caused Rook to sit up straighter. The stare continued and to his credit Kjar lasted a full minute before dropping his gaze.
Silence was Kyele’s preferred method of dealing with any of their defiance. It still worked.
“Would you like to share anything else with the team, Kjar or might I continue?”
Kjar cleared his throat and drummed the tips of his fingers on the table. “Continue, Unit Leader. Sorry for the interruption.”
An apology too? Rook eyed his teammate curiously and took note of Dorian and Hahn watching the scene as well. Kjar rarely apologized. His ego was as thick as the waist length silver hair which he wore bound in braids to control the sentient strands.
Kyele shifted his attention to the data pad in hand. “The Alliance has confirmed Jarad is an approved informant under their protection and ERS.”
If that wasn’t a case of the justice wheels rolling backward. The highly respected Emergency Rescue Squad working with a known criminal didn’t shock him. It was the way things usually worked. His time with the Ghost Unit showed him there were several shades of gray and Rook had walked through them time and again.
“I’m guessing he’s not the target,” Hahn said from his end of the table.
Kyele shot him a dark look and Hahn grimaced. Dorian didn’t take his eyes off of the screen. The number four guy on their team was reserved but ruthless in combat. He’d once taken out seven enemy attackers blocking their evac to their ship on a mission without hesitation. None of them had time to assist.
After Kyele tapped another set of keys on his data pad, the holo of Jarad faded to be replaced with a blonde, blue-eyed beauty in a low-cut black dress that pushed her assets front and center. The hem barely skimmed her curvy thighs. Short blonde hair stood in spikes framing a round face glowing with zest. Lips full and pouty puckered up as if on the verge of laughing at whoever recorded her image.
“This is an assassin known only as Tempest,” Kyele announced. “It is ERS’s belief that she’s systematically taking out Jarad’s close associates in an attempt to get to him.”