Page 19 of Raging Tempest
She hummed under her breath as her hands caressed the broad expanse of his shoulders, stroked down his wide chest. A flush stained his cheeks and the thrum of his heart beneath her palm doubled its beat. He tugged her closer. The erotic thrust of his erection prodded her middle in unmistakable demand.
Licking her lips, she lowered her voice to the seductive purr guaranteed to turn most men to molding clay in her hands. “Your room?”
He didn’t hesitate. “Yes.”
She grinned. “Decisive. I like it.”
Roarke curved an arm around her waist and guided her toward the door, the path set previously by Ahati except now an air of anticipation sent a burst of desire to her lower region. They blew past the guard at the door who barely spared them a second look.
Neither spoke as the lift ascended to the rooms on the upper floor. She listened to the ding as they soared beyond each level, including the one she’d rented under her alias. At the top floor, they stopped. Elite suites. Impressive.
With a firm hand at the base of her spine, Roarke led her down the hall to an alcove with wide double doors. They opened at their approach. Seeing her confusion, he pointed at the thick band on his wrist. “Sensor code on my wrist fob.”
Nice. Must be a perk with rooms on this level. Inside, she paused. The suite encompassed an entire section of the hotel’s top floor. Windows took up one entire wall, drawing her attention as she walked toward them and pressed her hands to the tempered one-way glass. “This is beautiful.”
Tempest never tookpartners to her own room, so Rook knew in advance not to ask. With her in his controlled space, he breathed a sigh of relief. Getting her to accept his proposition and accompany him to his suite had been the first phase of the plan. It had been a risk confronting her when she was with Ahati, but he knew the gamble paid off the moment her gaze met his and her nostrils flared in interest.
The other man had noticed and not appreciated it if the narrowing of his gaze was anything to go by. Rook’s hands clenched as he remembered the other detail from downstairs. The bastard would have let her fall to the floor in order to save himself because he’d jerked on her arm roughly.
Instinct and damn good reflexes propelled Rook forward and he managed to catch her. The scent of her, some berry he couldn’t name had saturated his senses. Her body melted against his, a warm weight he’d wanted to cradle close and rock against due to the hard on he sported.
Only Kjar’s muttered, “Excellent”, kept him from losing focus.
Tempest headed for the view beyond the floor to ceiling windows. She pressed a hand to the glass. “This is beautiful.”
“I’m ready the moment you get the sedative in her,” Dorian murmured through his ear comm.
Rook shook off the distraction and focused on the mission. He strolled toward her and aligned his chest to her back, the light contact renewing the flames of desire that had never quite died down. His reaction to her was unprecedented. He didn’t get caught up in his targets yet as he curled his body around hers, his mind filled with images he couldn’t ignore.
The soft blonde hair, the full lips and teasing smile as she glanced over her shoulder at him. He smoothed his hand down the curve of her shoulder, stroking her arm until he reached her wrist and clasped it lightly. He drew her hand to his mouth and kissed the tips of her fingers, her palm. The digits curled inward and he allowed himself a smug smile. She was just as caught up, the ruthless killer nowhere in sight.
Lowering her arm, Rook kissed the side of her throat and nibbled his way down to nip at her collarbone. “Would you like something to drink?”
“Mmm.” She tipped her neck further to the side, exposing more of her sensitive skin.
He took the invitation for what it was and licked the tender flesh before biting harder. Tempest shivered then spun around to face him. Her arms looped around his neck as she pressed her body against his and lifted herself up to kiss him.
Lips, soft as he imagined a cloud to be, glided over his mouth. Sensations rolled up his spine and his vision grew drowsy with passion. She returned his nips with playful bites, flicks of her tongue and a mouthwatering moan that shot Rook’s cock straight up.
“No, thank you. I don’t want any enhancement to ruin tonight.”
Rook stilled then forced himself to relax and offer a cocky grin. It would make things more difficult, but he didn’t want to draw her suspicion. “Whatever you please.”
She smirked and tugged at the sleeves of his jacket. “It would please me if you removed this.”
Fingers faster than he expected, she began undoing the buttons on his jacket. Rook laughed and caught her hands in his. He needed to get the sedative in her. If he couldn’t get her to drink the tampered wine, he’d have to use the injector in his pants pocket.
“We should continue this in the other room. I have a bed big enough for us to play,” he countered, using his hold on her to pull her in the direction of the bedroom.
Desire turned her cheeks ruddy, the flush working its way down the neck he’d kissed. She kicked her heels off on the way and followed. “Sounds like a good idea. Do you like to play rough, Roarke?”
They crossed the threshold to the bedroom, dimmer lights casting their shadows in wavering flickers on the wall. Her question stunned him long enough she managed to free her hands from his and undid the shoulder clasps on her dress. The material slivered to the floor, baring her body to him.
Completely. Every inch of her smooth, pale skin on display for his viewing pleasure. She wore no undergarments beneath. Pink nipples tipped her large breasts and trim blonde hair shadowed the cleft between her thick thighs.
“Roarke?” she murmured, trailing a finger down her middle and eyeing him like a meal she wanted to devour.