Page 67 of Raging Tempest
“What’s going on?” Hahn asked as he joined him.
Staff started to gather in the hall, expressions befuddled. A few looked terrified. Rook turned to his team gathered behind him. “I don’t know but we need to check on Jarad.”
Making their way in single file order, they raced down the hall to the second level where Jarad’s office was located. He met them outside the door, brows up, eyes wide and his green skin blotchy. He jammed a three fingered hand into his braids and gasped when he saw them. “You’re still here. I’m so glad. What’s going on?”
“Stay calm. We’ll find out.”
Four guards from house security came running toward them, weapons out and held loosely at their sides. The one in charge spoke in a fast staccato beat. “Bombs, out front on the street and at the building next door.”
Sirens wailed in the distance. Rook jerked around. None of the alarms in here were going off. He faced the guard. “Stay inside and make sure no one enters this floor.”
“What should I do?” Jarad asked, for once lacking his arrogant tone. His body shook with visible nerves.
“Go back in your office. Don’t come out until we’ve checked on the disturbance,” Rook instructed.
Grabbing his hand, Jarad clasped it tightly and met his stare. “Thank you.”
The other man turned on his heels and darted into his office like the coward he was and slammed the door behind him. The lock clicked from inside.
Rook signaled his team and they raced outside. His mind kept repeating one name. Seraphina. This had to be her.