Page 50 of Delectable Lies
After Rohan releasesme from his hold, my boneless body sags as my feet greet the floor. My legs are jelly, and it takes me a second to overcome the orgasm-induced haze fogging my brain. Finally, after a few seconds, I compose myself and gather my bearings. But then reality bulldozes in, and the weight of whatwejust did kicks me in the face, dragging me under all over again.
I just had sex in a supply closet with the same sociopath that broke into my house and flipped my entire life on its axis.Fucking hell, Saoirse. What were you thinking?
You were thinking with your pussy,the whore on my shoulder chimes in.Why does she sound eerily similar to my new friend Beibhinn?
It’s official. I’ve lost the run of myself. It’s the only explanation I have for my brief moment of insanity.
“I cannot believe we did that,” I mutter — more to myself than Rohan — as I swipe my hands over my crumpled uniform, righting everything in place.
Sure, I can’t deny the sexual chemistry between Rohan and me, but fucking hell, what he just did to poor Liam…fuck me, I’ve no words. It’s grade A narcissistic behaviour, but what else did I expect from someone like Rohan King.
How am I supposed to walk out of his closet and look Liam in the eye? He will hate me, and to be honest, I deserve it.
I know Liam and I haven’t talked about whatever’s brewing between us — if there is anything to it at all. But, regardless of our situation, he deserves better than an audio play-by-play of me coming all over another man’s dick.
Panic settles in as my eyes flutter around the small space. I need to get out of this room before the walls enclose on me. Wide-eyed, I peer around the small area, looking for my belongings, not to mention the part of my mind I have misplaced.
When my gaze connects to humourous hues of taunting greens, my internal freak out turns into soul-destroying regret. Rohan shoots me a lopsided grin, seemingly pleased as fuck with his unwanted ‘Big Dick Energy’, which only annoys me further.
“Was your little pissing contest fuckin’ necessary?”
“Eh.” He shrugs his broad shoulders. “Necessary? No. Satisfying? Fuck yeah!”
“You’re a pig. You know that?”
“So you’ve mentioned, and yet—” He steps forward, then lifts his hand to the lapels of my blazer before straightening them out with a brush of his fingers. Once more, he sets his malevolent eyes on mine as the tip of his tongue traces the seam of his lips. “—you still let me feast on your pussy, and then fuck you into next week.”
Anger burns molten beneath my skin, and as much as I’d like to blame the sociopathic narcissist before me, some of it, or maybe most of it, is directed at myself and my own lust-crazed stupidity.
“Just give me back my phone so that I can get out of here, Rohan.” My shoulders slump, my mental state of mind entirely done with this situation. I need to leave this poxy closet and forget this ever happened.
Ignoring my request, Rohan reaches behind me and plucks my balled-up thong off the shelf before attempting to stuff it into his pocket.
“And I’ll take those, too.” I reach forward and tug my now tattered lace undies from his grasp. “You owe me a new pair of knickers.”
His eyes roll to the side in that sexy, unfazed, bad-boy way. “I prefer you without any.”
My nostrils flare, irritation whirling beneath my skin, but before I can react, Rohan holds my phone up to my face, unlocking my phone screen with my face ID.Fucking Apple and their technology.
Reaching out, my hand snaps at him, trying to retrieve it, but the fuckface raises it above his head, out of my reach, and then turns his back on me.
My fingertips tug at his elbow, but he remains unmoving, tapping the screen with ease.
“What are you doing? For fuck’s sake, Rí, give me the damn phone.”
He taps my screen a few more times before finally, he spins to face me, holding out my phone with his devilish grin. “If you insist.”
Pulling it from his grasp, I spin on my heel and walk the three steps towards the door. My fingers curl around the doorknob, but right as I twist and pull, Rohan’s palm shoots over my shoulder, slamming it shut again.
He's so close. His chest moulds to my back as his warm breath brushes along my neck.
A heavy breath rushes from my nostrils as my neck cranes to peer over my shoulder. “What do you want?” My eyes close briefly, and I shake my head slightly, done with the little game he insists I play.
“I’m not the bad guy, Saoirse.” His voice drops to a roughened whisper, brushing across my skin, and sending a shiver down my spine.
“Really? You could have fooled me,” I bite back with a sardonic snide.