Page 71 of Delectable Lies
Anger spiralsfrom the pit of my stomach, boiling with a growing need to turn this car around and bury that motherfucker once and for all.
Slamming my palm against the steering wheel, I thrash my shoulders off the seat and release a curse. “Fuck!”
I should have been there, watching her and keeping her safe. I knew, I fucking knew Donnacha and my dad were up to something, but never in a million years did I believe they’d stoop as low as rape.
Jesus Christ, where was I when she needed me to protect her? Too busy trying to purge the emotions she awoke in me from beneath my skin, that’s where.
I allowed our dance to creep into my chest, and instead of doing what I was supposed to do, I let her down.
Even though we got there before he…Fuck, I can’t even think it.He violated her. Stole her right by forcing her down while he played out his sick game. Her reaction is valid, but I hate how he dimmed the gold glimmer in her eyes.
He’s lucky getting back to her was my first and only priority, because I would have killed him, and honestly, a quick death is not something I’m willing to give. Donnacha’s time is fleeting, and when I finally get to deliver his execution, the fear I’ll instil in him will follow him into his shallow grave.
My eyes drift across the cab, settling on the girl passed out in my passenger seat. Even in her sleep, she clenches her eyes tight as she grinds down on her teeth. Tonight has followed her into her dreams, and I don’t know how to fix that.
Reaching over, I trail my busted knuckles over her cheek. “You don’t know it yet, mo bhanríon. But, tá mo chroí istigh ionat.” My heart is in you.
Suddenly, my phone rings through my Bluetooth as Lorcan’s name flashes from the screen. Connecting the call, I greet him. “Tell me you have him.”Silence.“Lorcan?”
“He wasn’t about.”
“What do you mean, he wasn’t about? I tied him to the railing myself.”
“He’d disappeared. When Aodhán and I got there, he was away.” Sometimes his northern slang can be hard to follow, but his message rings loud and clear. When he and Aodhán got back to the balcony, Donnacha was gone.
“Motherfucker. He was out cold, Lorcan. There’s no fucking way he walked out of there by himself. Where the fuck did he go?”
The line goes quiet, and I know I will not like whatever he’s going to say next. “Gabriel is away, too.”
“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck,” I mutter, not wanting to wake Saoirse while I am on this call.
“We’ll find ‘em. They’ll not be gettin’ away with touchin’ my wee one.”
My eyes trail back to Saoirse — who is still fast asleep — curled up in the seat next to me, her head resting against the passenger window. When I don’t reply, Lorcan prompts, “How’s about ‘er?”
“She’s sleeping. I’m taking her to the Ryan Estate. Tell Éanna to meet me there.”
His stern tone cuts through the speaker like a knife through paper, leaving no room for argument, but it doesn’t stop me from trying. “What do you mean, no? She needs her mam.”
“Not yet. If Gabriel finds out Éanna is in Killybegs, it’s game over.”
“She. Needs. Her!” I repeat, punctuating each word and hammering my point home.
“It’s too risky. This is bigger than t’night. One wrong move and the last twenty years go down the fuckin’ shitter. I didn’t miss out on my daughter growin’ for nothin’. We have to see this thing through.” His accent bleeds through his frustration, thickening with an angry bite.
“Fine. But I’m telling her everything. She deserves the truth.”
His heavy breath courses through the speakers. “Grand. Do what you need to. I’ll give ya a call tomorrow. Oh, and Rohan?”
“You know I love you, kid. But if you break my baby’s heart, I’ll put an ounce of lead behind your ear.”
Normally, I would blast back at him with a cheeky comment, but I’m wise enough to know Lorcan Reilly doesn’t make idle threats, and right now, I know he means every fucking word. “Understood, boss man.”