Page 21 of Wings of Ashes
Noah shrugged and slipped inside the car.
Grace got in and turned on the engine.
Noah commented after fastening his seatbelt, “I have a few weapons that came from there. But we have plenty of good items being made in our world with the same techniques and materials. Cheaper as well. The world jumpers ask too much in fees.”
“Yes, but I enjoy their literature. Also, books are rare here. Only the Celestials are scholars who spend their leisure time reading and writing. I don’t really care about all the philosophy. I like romance and action. It’s interesting to read about what they think of us. It’s also educational to learn about their cultural habits. Have you ever read an earthling book?”
Noah shrugged. “I’m too busy for those things.”
“Hmm.” Grace drove away a bit disappointed with the few things they had in common.
“I’ve read a few classics when I lived with my aunt. She believed that everybody should know how to write and read.”
Grace arched an eyebrow and peered at him. “What kind of classics? Greek, Roman?”
“Tolstoy, Goethe, Shakespeare, and Flaubert.”
Grace pursed her lips so her mouth didn’t open in awe.
“I also read some of the modern ones from Hispanic literature. I like Gabriel Garcia Marquez. My aunt is a huge fan of poetry and often asked me to read Pablo Neruda.”
“I’ve never heard of those authors.”
“What do you read?”
“Mostly English Literature. More American than British. Our tair opens into an American city. Our jumpers interact with their community and bring objects that we can use. Books aren’t a priority, but I have my connections.”
Noah relaxed in his seat and folded his hand over his lap. “I couldn’t bring any books with me when I left home to come here for this last mission. I’ll think of you when I go visit Aunt Farah and ask her to lend me a few of her Hispanic classics.”
“In what language are they written?”
“English, I believe. It’s the only earthling language we learn as a hunter in my kingdom.”
“Here’s the same,” Grace said. “Grandpa spent a few decades on Earth when he was younger. He teaches us English Culture in year two. We have an Earth teacher who teaches us the English Language from years one to four. He often shows us movies and documentaries. It’s impressive how they look like us and how the vegetation and animals are basically the same.”
“Before the Celestials built the fortresses to control the tairs between worlds, our ancestors walked freely.”
“Yes. But humans are fragile creatures who need protection. The Celestials are needed to monitor the traffic between worlds,” Grace added.
“We have humans here, and they survive.”
Grace puckered her lips and frowned. “Are you one of those who believe that the tairs shouldn’t be monitored and restricted to authorized personnel only?”
“I understand that there’s a need to control who goes to the other worlds—”
“Not just who goes but what comes in, too,” Grace interrupted him. “There are far stronger beings than us between the worlds. Have you heard about the Fae or the Daemons? We would be in constant war if the Celestials didn’t patrol the borders between worlds.”
“Maybe. Still, you can’t deny that the Celestials became the elite, and they control our lives and destinies.”
Grace nodded. “I don’t agree with all of their decisions and beliefs.”
“I hope you don’t since you are a hybrid like myself. At least, you implied it.”
“I am.”
Noah combed back his hair. “That explains why your academy was attacked. They were coming to kill you.”
Grace snapped her head at him. “Why do you think that?”