Page 35 of Wings of Ashes
“I read, study, and sleep,” she answered. Then, she added, “What are you going to do?”
“Finish my book and sleep.”
Her shoulders relaxed, and she leaned forward. Her hands landed on his chest, and Noah lost his breath. “You can do that tomorrow. Come and watch a movie with me tonight.”
Her voice returned to the sweet melody it was before. Noah grinned at the sudden change in the way she acted. He had told himself that he was imagining things between them, but Grace seemed to be flirting with him. It wasn’t his imagination. She had a burst of jealousy a minute ago.
“Last time I watched a movie, I fell asleep,” he shared.
“I’ll elbow you if that happens.”
“You’re being too mean to me. Just be gentle when waking me up. I might stab someone if I wake up with a start,” Noah teased her while his eyes focused on her plump lips. Her hands felt warm on his chest.
Her eyes softened with concern. “Are you still having trouble sleeping?”
“I’m not used to so much comfort and safety.” It was easy to share things with her. She didn’t judge or pry.
“Do you want me to buy you a teddy bear?”
Noah rolled his eyes at her mocking question. There were many ways he could reply to her and make things awkward between them, but he wasn’t going there. He was going to keep things in the friend zone, even if his insides burned with need every time they were near each other.
“When is your grandfather coming back?”
“Are you eager for him to return?”
He took hold of her hands and moved to stand. “Aren’t you?”
“We talked a few days ago. He said he needed a couple more days to talk with the other members of the council.”
“Did he say anything about me?”
“He asked if you were doing your job properly and mingling with the rest of us.”
“What did you tell him?”
Grace smirked and flipped her hair over her shoulder. “That I’m a great guardian, and I’m doing everything to make you feel comfortable here. Soon enough, you won’t ever want to leave.”
Noah frowned, and Grace lost her smile.
“When your grandfather comes back, I’m sure he’ll want to teach his classes again. I’m not sure what I’m going to be doing if I stay here.”
Grace adverted her eyes and rubbed her right arm. “Grandpa didn’t say anything about sending you away. Your home is here now. I found you, I saved you, and your place is here with me.”
“I’m not a stray dog, Grace.”
Her eyes filled with indignation. “Of course, you’re not. But you don’t have anyone waiting for you, do you? You’re an orphan like me.” She grasped his arm, her eyes becoming anxious. “Why won’t you stay for a bit longer? Are you planning to leave once Grandpa returns?”
“No, I’m not planning to leave. But I don’t like to idle. I want my life to have a purpose.”
Grace nodded. “Grandpa hired you for a reason. I’m sure he’ll tell you once he returns home.”
Noah pulled her closer to him before she could leave. “Did he tell you anything about what he discussed with the members of the council?”
“He wants them to allow you to stay with us.”
“What else?”
“He’s concerned about my safety because of what I am.”