Page 38 of Wings of Ashes
He nodded and grinned, apparently pleased.
“Give me a few minutes to get dressed,” Grace requested and closed the door before he had the time to say anything else.
She rushed to her closet but closed the door after opening it. Speeding to the bedroom door, she opened it and found Noah still there. “Where are we going? What do I need to wear?”
“We can go out for a walk and maybe have a drink if you want.”
“Okay. I need ten minutes to get ready.”
Noah beamed. “Take your time.” His hand stopped the door before she closed it again. “Dress in something warm. It’s cold outside.”
She bobbed her head, grinned, and closed the door before rushing to her closet.
Grace was having a hard time taking her eyes off Noah. They were on a date, and she was over the moon.
Until then, the conversation had revolved around what they could do in town to have fun. Grace wanted to stay away from the places the other students hung around. She didn’t want to see them and lose the chance to be alone with Noah. Therefore, she drove into the city and took Noah to a bar where her college friends used to hang out. No one knew Noah there.
They had chosen a table in a corner, and the drinks had arrived. Grace was playing with her straw while Noah looked around.
“It’s nice here. I like the soft music and the ambiance,” he commented.
“My friends from college keep talking about this place, but I’ve only come here twice with Andrea.”
“It’s nice,” he repeated and smiled.
Grace’s smile faded, aware that she had to be better at small talk. They had talked about the classes and life in the academy. The subject was running out, and she didn’t want to be caught in awkward silence. Not on a first date.
“Is something wrong?” Noah asked as if detecting the sudden dread that took over her.
“I realized there’s truly not a lot to see at night. There are a few restaurants and pubs, but I’m sure you’d find it more fun with more friends. The other students like to do karaoke and drinking contests.”
“I’m fine with being here with you. We can go out tomorrow after lunch if you want to show me the best places to see during the day.”
“Would you want that?”
“Why wouldn’t I? I’m new in this kingdom. There isn’t much I know. Actually, a rogue hunter doesn’t have time for sightseeing. Now that I’m a legal citizen of Sanabria, I might as well enjoy the daylight.”
Grace’s interest was piqued. “A legal citizen? Did Grandpa call with good news?”
“Yes. While you were at college. I tried to find you during dinner, but you didn’t show up.”
“Did he say when he’s coming back?”
“Sunday, I believe.”
“What about the classes? Did he say anything?”
Noah offered her a lopsided grin. “I’m going to help him with his teaching duties. Mr. Delacroix is planning on taking some time off to write a book. He needs a substitute teacher until the end of the school year.”
“That’s great news. Maybe you can even take the hunter test and apply to one of our guilds once the school year is over. They pay well.”
Noah turned his glass between his fingers. “What are you going to do when the year is over? It’s your last year at the academy, right?”
Grace nodded. “I want to earn field experience. I was hoping to get assigned to one of the teams that leave the world to hunt elsewhere.”
He arched an eyebrow. “Those are dangerous missions. Why are you willing to risk your life when you don’t need to? You could simply teach in your grandfather’s academy or apply for a desk job in one of the guilds. You have the grades for a high-ranking position. Maybe you could be a tactical team coordinator or an evaluator.”