Page 16 of Daughter of Druids
“Follow my lead,” he whispered, hoping she would listen to him.
* * *
As Nayome woke, it felt as though every one of her nerve endings was pulsing with energy, whatever had passed through her leaving her buzzing with a warm glow. Flickering her eyes open, she almost smiled at the sight of one of her captors, what’s his name, leaning over her. He looked beautiful, a soft glow emanating from him as he lifted his warm palm from her forehead.Beautiful?She must be drunk, but her head felt clear. Crystal clear. As though she had been cleansed and was seeing things clearly for the first time.The fireflies.
As she blinked the sleep from her eyes, she found she wanted his hand back, pressed gently against her skin. It had been so warm, his touch had seemed to warm her from the inside out. And she swore she saw a faint glow flicker in his palm.
Nayome felt her hand raise before her rational thoughts could catch up. Letting her fingers sink into those luscious, chestnut locks that were shining invitingly in the moonlight, Nayome closed her eyes and sighed with pleasure.
She felt the contact with him resonate through her, as though her body needed to refill, and this connection was how. As she felt his warmth seep in through her fingertips, she pulled him in for more.
She felt intoxicated, yet alive in the best way possible, as if something had ignited the blood in her veins. So she pushed aside all rational for a moment and let herself feel. There was something magical about this moment, and she wasn’t ready for it to end.
“Kiss me,” she heard herself say.Why was he hesitating?
When their lips finally met, Nayome felt her whole body melt, a sweet, warm rush of desire liquefying her bones. She could see glimmers of the silver dust as she rose to meet Balfor. It clung to his skin and clothes where she touched him, sparkling in the darkness, adding to the impossible magic that seemed to surround them.
God, this feels so good. Have I ever felt this good?
And then, as quickly as it had started, it was over. The icy breeze that wafted over her skin, where seconds ago Balfor’s warm body had been sheltering her, had Nayome blinking in confusion. Crossing her arms and rubbing the sudden goose pimples that sprung up, reality came creeping back in like an unwelcome guest.
What had she been thinking? This man was not her ally.
Would she stand a chance on foot if she made a run for it? Before she could clear her head enough to decide, Nayome heard rustling in the surrounding forest.
As she recalled the wolves, a spike of fear sent a chill through her bones, which had just been liquid hot. The contrast had her shivering uncontrollably.
“Wolves!” she hissed, thinking their best bet at surviving another attack was to stick together. Then she would figure out how to get away.
Balfor shook his head and helped her to her feet. Reluctantly, Nayome let him help her up. She would play nice for now, at least until they were safe from the threat of wolves.
As Balfor leaned in, Nayome felt a wave of shame as she shivered for another reason as his lips brushed gently against her ear.Not the time, she thought firmly, trying to shut down her labido.
“Follow my lead,” he whispered against her ear, barely audible but for his proximity. He seemed to linger for a moment. Nayome felt his warm breath on her neck before he leaned back, giving her space to breathe.
Bristling, Nayome thought she would follow his lead alright, until the moment it didn’t suit her. She needed to remember she couldn’t trust anyone, especially if that someone had beautifully sculpted lips capable of making her toes curl.