Page 4 of Daughter of Druids
“Please, have a seat and we can talk,” the blonde said, motioning to the couch she had woken up on. Nayome could see the sofa now, it was an elegant and simple gray, with plush forest green accent pillows. In front of it was the coffee table she had walked into, glass-top with a chunky wood base that looked like a tree trunk. Behind the seating area were sweeping ten foot windows, and in front was an enormous stone hearth.
“What’s going on?” Nayome’s voice had risen to a shrill, frantic pitch.
Before she could make a desperate bolt for the door, the man caught her eyes. Nayome stilled, as though caught in a trance.
“Please, have a seat,” he repeated, speaking slowly.
Staring into his piercing ice-blue eyes, Nayome found she couldn’t do anything but listen to the suggestion. The couch had been so comfortable, after all, and she could use the rest.
As she began to lower herself on the plush sofa, Nayome found herself shaking off the influence, a sharp pain lancing behind her eyes as she shook off the cold fingers in her mind. She shot back to her feet, unsteady, as her head throbbed. What was she doing?
“What the hell is going on?” she demanded again, even more shaken.
Sighing, the man appeared to have genuine regret in his eyes as he moved towards her.
With nowhere to back up, Nayome ended up trapped with her legs pressed into the sofa. Unable to avoid that hypnotizing gaze, she found herself reluctantly caught in it once again.
“I am sorry to do this, but you are stronger than you should be.” Moving slowly forward, the man leaned over the coffee table and was inches from Nayome’s face, eyes holding her in place, when he said “Sleep now.”
Nayome’s eyes grew heavy. She tried to fight the wave of tiredness, a sharp throbbing pain growing in intensity as she battled against the silent influence. Before she could shake off the desire to sleep, she felt the cold fingers in her mind grip stronger. White light flashed behind her eyes as it overwhelmed her defenses and she descended into darkness. She fell, her last conscious memory of the man gently catching her as she crumpled forward, setting her back down on the couch.