Page 8 of Daughter of Druids
“That’s actually not a bad idea,” Balfor admitted.
“Excellent!” Nayome shot off the couch and made a move to grab her bag. She felt a pang of fear as she noticed the thin, silky looking rope that had bound her hands was still where it had fallen, next to her bag on the floor.
“We can go first thing tomorrow.” Balfor said.
“What? No, I need to get back to the hotel. People will already wonder where I’ve gone when I don’t check in.”
“We have taken care of that.”
“Excuse me?” Nayome’s budding sense of hope deflated, and she felt the blood drain from her face.
“We notified your colleagues that your expedition expanded, and that you would be out of service for a few extra days.”
“I know this is frightening for you—”
“Stop. Stop putting words in my mouth. You have no idea what I’m feeling right now.”
Balfor sighed, as if he didn’t have the energy to be dealing with this right now. “You have no reason to trust us, but we do not want to harm you. We just need to understand how you broke through the barriers, then you can go.”
Nayome eyed her neatly stitched up right hand, and decided that for now, she believed him. Why would anyone who wanted to harm her clean and dress the gash in her hand?
“What happens if you aren’t satisfied with the explanation?”
“We cross that bridge when we come to it.”
“What happens now, then?”
At that moment, Gabe returned, his presence taking up all the space, despite the ten-foot ceilings.
“I have decided it would be best for you to remain here this evening, Fitz has prepared a chamber for you to rest.” Gabe announced to the room, as a small wrinkled old gentleman set down a platter of fruits, cheese and crusty bread on the coffee table in front of Nayome. Despite herself, her mouth watered as she breathed in the scent of fresh bread. How long had it been since she had eaten anything?
“We shall break-fast here, then Fitz will show you to your guest quarters so you may rest.”
Swallowing, Nayome fought down the panic lodged in her throat, as it became clear she wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon.
The small ancient looking man beamed as he set a cup and saucer down for each of them, and poured aromatic, steaming hot coffee out of a shiny glass french press with polished gold overlays. Nayome waited until Balfor reached over and took a healthy sip before she dug in. If it was drugged, at least he would be going down with her. And she was famished. Might as well get her strength up for whatever was going to happen next.
Once Nayome started eating, she couldn’t have stopped if she tried. The fruit was so fresh, it almost melted in her mouth. Contrasted by the tang of the soft cheese, melted over the warm fresh baked bread, and at least twenty-four hours without food…she ate as much as she could stuff in her body. Who knew when her next meal would be.
“Excellent” Gabe beamed, his thousand-watt smile lighting up the room. He had barely taken any food, but appeared pleased that Nayome had taken her fill.
As Fitz swept in and cleared the plates, Gabe rose to his feet and motioned her to follow. Balfor remained seated. Nayome felt a pang of irritation at his indifference, then kicked herself for being stupid. What did she expect? He was not on her side, even if he seemed to genuinely want her to leave.
“Fitz will be along shortly.” Gabe said, “he will show you to your quarters. I imagine you would like to bathe and change. We have found some garments that should fit you.”
Before Nayome could respond, with something like ‘I won’t be getting naked in this house until hell freezes over’, Fitz slid into view.
“Miss, if you would follow me.”
Nayome eyed Gabe, remembering the feeling of helplessness when he had commanded her to sit down, then eyed the innocent-looking butler, his face crinkled, wrinkles on wrinkles framing twinkling round eyes.
“I’ll go with him, but I don’t want you to follow us.” Nayome said, plucking up a small amount of courage and facing Gabe.
Gabe gave her what looked like a formal bow to show he was on board with that plan.
As she turned around to follow the small butler, she heard Balfor chime in from across the room.