Page 9 of Count the Ways
Hand in hand, Isabel and I wait for her plane to be announced. She’s currently digging in her purse, verifying she packed her charger, so I take the opportunity to unzip her small bag and place a note inside.
I tried to be brave, to convince myself I could let her go and that would be that, but I knew the whole time I was lying. She needs to know that I don’t want this to be over. I need her like I need air. Maybe even more so.
I let her know I want whatever she can give me, that I’m willing to do long-distance for now. That, eventually, I want it all with her.
I also explained that I love her with every part of me and she’s taking my heart with her. I added my cell and urged her to use it. To call me regardless of the time because I will always be there for her.
If I hear from her, I will move heaven and earth to be with her. If not, I’ll accept that she’s made her choice, as much as I would hate that it wasn’t me, and try to live without her.
We exchange a desperate kiss as her fellow passengers begin boarding, Isabel waiting until the last minute to join them. Tears fall from her cheeks as she turns to stare at me and I feel the wetness on my own.
This can’t be goodbye. I won’t let it. I rush toward her as she enters the tunnel that’ll take her to her plane, ready to kidnap her if need be to keep her with me. But it’s too late. An employee shuts the door, blocking me from getting to Isabel. As she locks it, I can only pray she reaches out to me.
I can’t have met my destiny only to lose her.