Page 2 of My Escape
Five years later
“Hi, Daddy.” I got up on my tiptoes and kissed my father’s cheek. He put his arm around me and pulled me close for a hug.
“Hey sweetheart. I’m so glad you made it back for the election. It wouldn’t have been the same without you here.”
I give him my biggest smile and try not to roll my eyes. I was smart enough to know Daddy only wanted me here for looks. I had had plenty of arguments with him and my mother about how I had to show up for things, otherwise what would people say.
I usually didn’t care, but the governor’s race was especially important, so I made an exception for him. Well, mainly for my mother. I didn’t give two shits about my father.
I hated being back in town and hadn’t been back since that night.
The nightheshattered my heart into a million pieces.
“Is everything okay, babe?”
I turned and smiled at Clark, my fiancé. I patted his leg and nodded. “Everything is fine. You know how I get at these political things sometimes.”
He nodded and kissed my temple. “I know. You’d think you’d be used to them by now. Your future will be full of them.” Clark winked at me and I laughed.
I couldn’t tell him the truth. The reason I looked uncomfortable was because being back in town made me think about Rhett. I’d never told him about Rhett. He thought the reason I came to California was because I had a stalker and had to get away for a fresh start.
That was the story I told everyone.
They didn’t know the real reason I felt halfway across the country was because I found out the love of my life was supposed to kill me and my family.
The only reason I found out was because I caught Rhett’s best friend, Mario at the party. He had the worst poker face. I’d been devastated and totally heart broken, but I managed to tell one of my dad’s body guards and they got us out of there but I never spoke to Rhett again.
I cried for hours that night in the fortress that had become our house. No one was getting near any of us.
I didn’t sleep all night and when morning came, I convinced a guard to take me to the airport so I could fly to California. Daddy had wanted me to go there anyway to help make him some political allies there. I never planned to go, making plans instead to run away with my handsome, dark haired love, but now I had to get away.
I enrolled in college and began working for some of Daddy’s friends. Rhett became a distant memory, only visiting me in my dreams sometimes.
Eventually I met Clark. He was a local lawyer and about ten years older than me. He made me smile and treated me like a queen. Best of all, he made me forget about Rhett.
I gave up my silly notion of saving myself for marriage, sleeping with Clark after a few months of steady dating. The sex was good and he’d been an amazing and gentle lover, but when I was alone the next day, I cried, thinking about Rhett.
Six months ago, Clark asked me to marry him. Of course I said yes and my family was thrilled. Daddy said he had a promising future and I knew life with him would be happy. Maybe not like I’d planned with Rhett, but I’d been naive when I thought we could live happily ever after.
Of course Daddy made a big deal of our engagement. My mother sent me links to all of the articles. I thought maybe I would hear from Rhett after that since they gave away my location, but I’d heard nothing.
The night was exciting for Daddy. He was ahead in the polls most of the night and we sat around waiting. They were about to close voting for the night when Clark came and sat next to me, sliding his arm around my shoulders. I leaned back into him with a sigh.
Clark was tall and thin, with glasses and blonde hair he combed back. He took care of himself, running daily and never drinking. Clark didn’t have any tattoos. He went to Harvard law and graduated at the top of his class. As far as I knew, he was as clean cut an all American as one could get.
He was the opposite of Rhett in every possible way, which was probably why I had fallen in love with him.
Clark started rubbing my arm. “Babe, your dad wants us to stay in town so I can be on his staff. I know you said you didn’t want to come back here, but I’d be dumb to turn down the opportunity.”
I didn’t say anything for a second. I knew this was coming, so it didn’t surprise me. But I didn’t like it. I could never let Clark or Daddy know that though.
I didn’t know if Rhett was still around. I had zero way to contact him and I didn’t want to. Thankfully we ran in totally different circles, so the chances of seeing him were zero to none, but I didn’t know what I would do if I did.
“That’s great, Clark! I’m happy for you.” I’d gotten really good at acting the past five years. Hell, even before that. Being the daughter of a politician taught you really quickly how to be a good actress.
“Really, Grace? You’re okay with us coming back here?” He looked like a little boy who was so excited about a new toy or going to the park. I couldn’t say no to him.
I nodded and he pulled me close for a hug. “I always thought you’d fight me on this with the way you talk about how much you hated it here. I really appreciate this.” He grabbed my face and kissed my lips. “I love you Grace and I can’t wait to marry you.”