Page 5 of My Escape
Her words cut me to the core. I could see the pain deep in Grace’s eyes and I just wanted to pull her into me. I had always loved to hug her. Her tiny frame always fit so perfectly against mine. She used to tell me my hugs made her feel cherished and protected.
“Ouch, Grace. If you would give me a chance to explain that night, you might think differently.”
She sighed and tucked her dark hair behind her ear. “It really doesn’t matter anymore, Rhett. We were stupid kids back then. I’ve moved on.” She looked down at the rock on her ring finger. “I’m planning a wedding and I’ve grown up. I was a silly school girl.”
For once, I was speechless. To hear her say our time together back then meant nothing broke my heart into a million tiny pieces. I really believed we were in love, but I guess I was a fool.
“So I was just some little rich girl’s play thing, huh? Like a shiny different toy.” Grace had hurt me with her words and I did the only thing I knew how to do - hurt her back.
“I guess so.” Her eyes glistened with tears. One escaped and slid down her cheek. I reached across to swipe it away and she took a step back from me.
“Don’t Rhett.”
“You once liked my touch, Grace. I remember when you used pant and sigh with pleasure as I kissed your neck.”
“I have to go. Please do not ever contact me again, Rhett.”
She turned on her heel and I watched her walk away. I stood there as people walked around me, watching her ass in her leggings, overcome with jealousy that another man now claimed her as his.
Grace Jones was meant to be mine.
I watched her go into a coffee shop. I almost followed her, but I didn’t want to cause a scene for her. I knew that would only make her more angry with me and she’d never want to see me again.
I turned on my heel and headed back to my car. I’d been in a meeting with the boss. He claimed he had a special job for Mario and I and more details would come soon. He had warned us it was high profile and we’d probably have to skip town for some time after we finished.
As soon as I got back to my apartment, I took out a bottle of Jack. I didn’t even get a glass. Tonight I was going to get drunk to try to erase the image of Grace’s hurt face out of my mind.
Mario couldn’t believe I still lived in the same crappy apartment I did when we first started working. I saved all my money though. I didn’t need anything. I had a few nice suites to wear when the boss needed us to. I also had a motorcycle and a nice Lamborghini. Other than that, I lived simply.
There was a reason for that.
Grace Jones.
I was saving all of my money for when she finally came to her senses and realized she belonged with me. I wanted to give her the life she was accustomed to and I also knew I’d have to get away somewhere after all of the bad things I’d done.
I’d been to the Dominican Republic for a job once and fell in love with the place. I actually bought a small property on the beach, with plans to bring Grace here one day so we could live alone and raise the family we’d talked about in peace.
After the way she looked at me today though, I doubted that would ever happen. I was pretty sure that girl hated me. And the thought of that killed me.
I ran my hands through my hair and laid back on the couch with my Jack. About half of a bottle in, I started to feel a buzz. As I continued to drink, I started thinking about the way Grace looked and the way her lips would feel wrapped around my cock. I wanted to bend her over this couch right now and fuck her until she could only say my name.
I had some girls I could have called over to my place to fuck, but I didn’t want some meaningless lay. I wanted my girl. I wanted to make love to my girl and I vowed I wouldn’t sleep with anyone else until she was mine again. Gone were my days of getting drunk and fucking anything with a pussy.
I found myself getting hard. I squeezed my cock in my jeans and groaned. I wanted to fill that pussy of hers with my cum over and over until she was pregnant. She would look so fucking sexy knocked up with my kid.
I started to rub my cock over my jeans and decided to head to the shower to finish what I’d started. I stripped out of my clothes, my erection springing free. I stepped under the hot water and squeezed my dick until a tiny bead of precum leaked out. I imagined Grace swiping that away with her tongue and groaned.
I braced a hand on the shower wall and stroked myself, muttering Grace’s name over and over again as I pictured her beneath me, buried balls deep in her cunt. My balls got tighter as my orgasm approached and I let out a harsh groan as my release washed over me, watching stream after stream of cum go down the drain. What a waste. My cum should only be inside of my girl.
When I finally caught my breath, I cleaned up and stumbled to my bed still naked and wet. I was pretty drunk now and needed to sleep it off. Come morning, I would come up with a plan to get her back. There was no way in hell I was going to let her marry that Harvard geek.