Page 116 of Despair
If there’s one thing Flint and I both agree on, it’s that we’ll miss it when you return to the big screen. We know you won’t stay away for ever, but we also know your big heart will use that celebrity for a good cause.
Happy and safe travels. Don’t forget to come back to your family.
Love always, Mary and Flint.
* * *
Daisy will need help to grow into the Lazarus we all know she is. The same woman you are—the one we are incredibly proud of and know will go far. The women in this family are stronger than the men…
Scribble over her words, followed by an arrow to Flint’s footnote—This is still up for debate.
Liza chuckled to herself and then continued reading.
Keep being the champion for truth. The world, and this family, needs to hear it as it is. We love you.
Mary and Flint.
* * *
Parker, mijo, let Daisy share the load.
You have to know by now that she is the leader not because you did a bad job—but because you’ve done your job well. It’s time for a break. It’s time to throw away the rule book. Stop caring what others think of you and go and spend some quality time with Alice.
Don’t blame yourself for not seeing this coming.
We did.
We planned for it. One day, when you’re a father, you will understand why.
We love you,
Mary and Flint.
P.S. (in Flint’s handwriting)
Take care of my workshop. I’m giving her over to your capable hands. Hug Alice for me. Tell her… tell her I wished we had more time but am glad she’s with someone who will take care of her forever.
* * *
Daisy staredat her unopened envelope and considered leaving it that way.
Did she need to hear what Mary had to say? Would it only make matters worse?
But as her brothers and sisters all read their short notes, she decided to open her letter. She scanned the words and then stood up, cleared her throat and waited for everyone to finish reading their own letters.
“I thought I would read mine aloud,” she announced. “I know none of you have, but I think I should.”
She inhaled then exhaled slowly and began.
“Daisy, last but certainly not least. I don’t think there’s much more I can say to you about my feelings. You know I love you. You know the guilt over leaving you has occupied a constant space in my heart—in all of our hearts. But if you need to hear it one last time why we did what we did, here goes.
You deserve more.