Page 57 of Despair
“What does it feel like?” he asked, trying something new. He was determined to get her feeling good about her gift and if Flint made a deal with a skipper for safe passage, then they should probably stick to it. “When you connect with something and move it.”
Her gaze turned inward as she thought about it. “I never really paid it attention. It seems to come out when I’m not thinking about it.”
Axel strode to the river and dipped his hand in the water. He scooped some out and tossed it at her. She dodged with a scowl.
“What gives?”
“I thought maybe if I surprised you, then you’d find a way to stop it.”
Her scowl deepened and she wiped her face. “It didn’t work.”
He shrugged. “I’m no expert at this, Daze. But I think you need to get a grip on what you can do because, if we find Julius, and he has replicates around him, then we’ll need every weapon in your arsenal.”
“I know.” She pouted.
“How can we train you?”
“Pigeon. He’ll know.”
She nodded, then brooded at the water. Axel followed her gaze. The mainland shore was visible on the other side through the murky air. Somewhere over there, Julius could be based. And if he was… then Daisy would have only him until backup arrived.
They both turned to see a man running toward them full pelt down the sodden shore. The messenger bag strapped over his shoulder bounced. Behind him, three men chased.
“Shit,” Axel muttered and sloshed into the water to get to the boat. “Get in.”
Daisy splashed after him, but didn’t get in. She rounded and sighted her gun at the three men chasing.
Axel looked for keys, just in case they had been left under the visor or seat. Nothing. He turned back. The men were close enough Daisy and Axel could see they were trouble. One had a crowbar. Another had a gun.
Daisy’s gun fired. Pop! Pop! Pop!
All three pursuers fell to the ground in quick succession. The man Axel assumed was the skipper ducked, worried he’d get shot, but quickly realized he was fine.
Axel stared at Daisy.
She deadpanned. “What?”
“I think maybe next time, aim to maim. Not kill.”
She tucked her gun into her pants and then climbed into the boat.
The skipper tossed Axel the keys as he approached. “Start it. There are more coming.”
“Just exactly who are the men I was forced to shoot?” Daisy ground out, a guilty glance thrown Axel’s way.
Feeling frustrated, he forced himself to focus and put the keys in the ignition. The engine purred to life.
Now on board, the skipper took control. He pushed the throttle and the boat zoomed forward. Within seconds, the wind blew in their hair and the Cardinal City shore receded.
Still frustrated, Axel realized why. The body count was growing. He had no idea who those chasing the skipper were, or why.
“Who are you?” Axel asked. “Why did my girlfriend just kill three men for you?”
He hated that Daisy now had more stains on her heart. He hated it more that she was more concerned with his reaction to it than the actual task. The skipper slid his gaze to Axel and considered his answer. He didn’t answer fast enough, so Axel stepped in with his own pistol aimed at the man’s throat.